To generate random and strong passwords.
pip install -U zenpass
usage: zenpass [options]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show version number and exit.
to customize Password:
-l , --length to set length to the password
-n , --ignore to ignore unwanted characters to the password
-i , --include to include characters to the password
-o , --only to create password only using wanted characters
-s , --separator the separator character
-c , --seplen the length of characters between separator
--repeat to repeat the characters in the password (default : False)
--separation to separate password characters using separator (default : False)
--show to show password (default : False)
keywords: [alphabets, uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols]
can be given as input for following params: ignore, include, only
To generate a random password.
from zenpass import PasswordGenerator
pg = PasswordGenerator()
To generate a random password.
$ zenpass
Password copied to clipboard.
To set the password length, Default password length is 8-16
$ zenpass -l 10 --show
Password: Q3m/vro|uR
Password copied to clipboard.
Whether the characters in passwords repeat or not,
Default value of repeat
is False
$ zenpass -r --show
Password: 96Ndl;1D$jQu4Z2
Password copied to clipboard.
To include, ignore or use only 'alphabets'
, 'numbers'
, 'uppercase'
, 'lowercase'
, 'symbols'
and random characters
in generating password.
To ignore numbers
in passwords.
$ zenpass -n numbers --show
Password: uyMXP‘$!ZSCYqzj
Password copied to clipboard.
To ignore characters a,b,c,d,e
$ zenpass -n abcde --show
Password: ~}t"R‘jF'ksG8~E
Password copied to clipboard.
To create a password only using special characters
$ zenpass -o symbols -l 15 --show
Password: ?)".=-_^[_‘~{.)
Password copied to clipboard.
To include a,b,c,d,e
characters in a password.
$ zenpass -o numbers -i abcde -l 15 --show
Password: 78713d1e3d926a3
Password copied to clipboard.
To separate characters in a password using separator.
$ zenpass -o uppercase --separation -l 16 --show
Password copied to clipboard.
To separate characters in a password using separator _
with 5
characters between each separator.
$ zenpass -o uppercase --separation -l 15 -s _ -c 5 --show
Password copied to clipboard.
If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.