v.2.x 为springboot 2.x版本,使用jdk8版本
v.3.x 为springboot 3.x版本,使用jdk17版本
- springboot-starter | Springboot领域驱动框架
- springboot-starter-data-fast | 快速数据呈现框架
- springboot-starter-data-authorization | 数据权限框架
- springboot-starter-flow | 流程引擎框架
- springboot-starter-security | security权限框架支持基于JWT的无状态权限认证与Redis的有状态权限认证
<!-- Springboot领域驱动框架 -->
<!-- 快速数据呈现框架 -->
<!-- 数据权限框架 -->
<!-- 流程引擎框架 -->
<!-- security&jwt权限框架 -->
Welcome to springboot-framework ! This document is a guideline about how to contribute to springboot-framework. If you find something incorrect or missing, please leave comments / suggestions.
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Security
- Spring Configuration Processor
- Spring Web
- securing-web
- spring-security-without-the-websecurityconfigureradapter
- springboot-security&jwt
- Meituan-Dianping/Leaf
- SpringBoot Test
- SpringBoot Web Test