OmniAuth 2 strategy for Coinbase
For more details, read the Coinbase API Reference
Note that version ~> 2.0 of this gem uses the new Coinbase API v2. Use this version if you are creating a new app. Do not upgrade existing apps to this version as the user ids in v2 of the API are not the same as those in v1. We will be adding v2 UUIDs to v1 responses to aid in migration efforts.
Add to your Gemfile:
gem "omniauth-coinbase"
Then bundle install.
Here's an example, adding the middleware to a Rails app in config/initializers/omniauth.rb:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
You can now access the OmniAuth Coinbase OAuth2 URL: /auth/coinbase
You can configure permissions/scope, which you pass in to the provider
method after your COINBASE_KEY
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :coinbase, ENV["COINBASE_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["COINBASE_CLIENT_SECRET"], scope: 'wallet:user:read wallet:user:email wallet:accounts:read'
The format is a space separated list of strings from Coinbase's list of OAuth Permissions.
NOTE: While developing your application, if you change the scope in the initializer you will need to restart your app server.
The authenticated user's id and name are present in the omniauth auth object under auth.uid and
The authenticated user's raw information is present under auth.extra.raw_info
auth.uid # "7eee8527-3439-52d9-98d6-a04c0d0dc6ce" # "Alex Ianus" # "", only present with wallet:user:email scope
auth.extra.raw_info.time_zone # "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", only present with wallet:user:show scope
Use omniauth-coinbase in development with our developer sandbox
Note that you will need to create a separate sandbox OAuth application with its own client_id and secret.
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :coinbase, ENV["COINBASE_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["COINBASE_CLIENT_SECRET"], scope: 'wallet:user:read', sandbox: true
require 'coinbase/wallet'
client = <sandbox api key>, api_secret: <sandbox api secret>, api_url: "")