this is a one-dimensional bin optimizer that uses a genetic algorithm to find the best combination possible of arrangement for the items.
To use it, you need python: run the "main" script through the console, specify as requested the path where your excel document is, and with a size of stock lenght you will optimize for.
your excel document must have the following headers:
- "REFERENCIA": that is the name of the bar you are optimizing
- "LONGITUD" : that is the lenght of the bar you are optimizing
- "CANTIDAD": that is the quantity of the bar you are optimizing
this is an example of how the document must be arranged:
Finally, the script will generate two csv documents:
- optimization: this is where your final optimization is
- performance: this is where data related to your optimization is, such as: total lenght used, total remaining, performance.
Thanks to:
- the nature of code by Daniel Shiffman
- A Hybrid Grouping Genetic Algorithm for Bin Packing by Emanuel Falkenauer