This is a Zero module which sets up a React web-app bundled statically served through CloudFront and S3 from the zero-aws-eks-stack.
The /templates
folder is meant to be filled in via Zero and results in Simple React application. It also contains a simple CircleCI pipeline which defines how to build and deploy the service.
This repository is business-logic agnostic; mainly showcasing some universal best practices:
- Creating an optimized build of your frontend application.
- Out of the box CI/CD flow CircleCi.
- testing
- building your web-app as a static distribution in /dist folder.
- syncs the built bundle to AWS S3.
- invalidates Cloudfront cached version.
/ # file in the root directory is for initializing the user's repo and declaring metadata
|-- Makefile #make command triggers the initialization of repository
|-- zero-module.yml #module declares required parameters and
| # files in templates become the repo for users
| templates/
| |
| |-- docs/
| | | #documentation on how work with your react application and external developer resources.
| |-- public/
| | |-- favicon.ico
| | |-- index.html
| | |-- logo192.png
| | |-- logo512.png
| | |-- manifest.json
| | |-- robots.txt
| |-- src/ #src contains your react application code
| |-- .gitignore
| |--
| |-- package.json
| |-- yarn.lock
- Have CircleCI and GitHub token setup with the Zero project.
- CI-user created via EKS-stack with access to AWS S3.
This step is meant to be executed during zero apply
, includes following steps:
- Adding environment variables to CircleCI project.
- Linking the CircleCi with the GitHub repository
- Linking the circleCI will automatically trigger the first build and deploy your application to AWS S3
Why is my frontend application not yet accesible?
- It takes about 20 - 35 mins for your deployed application to be globally available through AWS CloudFront CDN.
The corresponding backends for this app are zero-backend-go or zero-backend-node.
Project board: zenhub