- Basic module to manage CronJobs for your Compound.js Application
- Based on the excellent npm cron module
- Check cron out for more documentation on Node.js cron implementation
npm install co-cron
- add 'co-cron' to your autoloaders
- Use the config/initializers/initialize.[js/coffee] to configure Cronjobs on start of an application
- You can manually create CronJobs or route automation at any time via the methods
Cron_Wrapper#daemonize_route(namespace, options)
daemonize a specific route on your compound.js app so you can keep your code in the controller and still make it client accessible
compound.cron.daemonize_route 'test',
route: 'api#test'
example: true
cronTime: '* * * * * *' # every second
start: false
Cron_Wrapper#job(namespace, options)
task = ->
# Runs every weekday (Monday through Friday)
# at 11:30:00 AM. It does not run on Saturday
# or Sunday.
console.log "I am a lovely function"
compound.cron.job 'test',
cronTime: '00 30 11 * * 1-5' # cron time
onTick: task # function to perform
start: false # to autostart the job or not
timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles" # schedule it based on a specific timezone
A convience wrapper for cron's base CronJob creation method
Stops & removes a job stored on a namespace from the Cron_Wrapper.jobs object
Starts a job stored on the namespace in the Cron_Wrapper.jobs object
Stops a job stored on the namespace in the Cron_Wrapper.jobs object
- checkout examples/