The reason for making this repository is because I've had a long running thorn in my side that I've recently traced and fixed. Whenever I had a repository with both the firebase publishing plugin (which I sometimes use to publish to firebase app testing) and the quarkus plugin (which I sometimes use to build quarkus applications), I would get some weird conflicts with jackson-core dependencies.
Using the gradle build scans, I found that the firebase plugin was bringing in a classpath dependency on an old jackson-core at the root level of the project. This was causing the quarkus plugin to fail because its analytics plugin was trying to use a newer version and getting a class not found error.
It's not so straightforward to override the classpath dependency when its the root project, so the way I made it work, is to force the dependency to be the newer version in the quarkus plugin when a gradle property is set.
The following is added to the root build.gradle.kts file:
// this is the only way we can get quarkusDev to work - because of the stupid firebase publishing
// plugin, because it uses a really old version of jackson that overrides any subprojects that use
// the jackson-core library as a build dependency / classpath. We'll need to toggle this so it
// doesn't take effect when we're trying to use the firebase publish
buildscript {
if (properties.containsKey("quarkus").not()) {
println("NOT QUARKUS")
} else {
configurations.classpath {
resolutionStrategy {