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Information and code for deploying LARA on CC's infrastructure


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This repo holds the CloudFormation stacks used for deployment and development of

  1. LARA
  2. Portal
  3. Log Ingester
  5. Question Rater

LARA Deployment (if you have access)

Portal Deployment

Running script to create an app-only Portal stack with parameters copied from another stack:

    cd scripts
    npm install
    cp create-config.sample.yml create-config.yml
    # modify create-config.yml to match what you want to do
    npm run create-stack

This script should work for other types of stacks, but it hasn't been tested.

See the file ./scripts/ for more details.

CreatePaired QA servers (LARA / Portal)

See also the Google Drive document for a verbose blow-by-blow account of how this was used to setup a staging environment in the past.

These instructions should help you deploy paired sets of LARA & Portal servers. The examples assume the QA environment, but you can do this in staging as well. Recent template changes should make this process easier.


  • Clone RDS instances of the production LARA and Portal databases using snapshots if you can.
  • Use create-stack scripts to provision a Portal using configs and param overrides.
  • Modify the Portal auth-client authoring configuration to fix authentication.
  • Update URLS to shared resources on both servers using lib/script/rewrite_lara_portal_resources.rb from the LARA repo.

Creating the stacks

  1. Change into the scripts directory and install the dependencies: cd scripts && npm install

  2. Create some configuration files. These config templates will setup your stacks for you. See the file in the scripts directory for more info: cp configs/create-config.sample.yml configs/create-my-project-config.yml

  3. Copy Parameters from production or staging stacks.

    1. Select your primary AWS account credentials to copy stack parameters for the production LARA and Portal instances you are working on. export AWS_PROFILE=concord
    2. Run the create-stack npm script to copy the stack parameters your want. npm run create-stack
  4. Select the first menu item "Save stack params". The script will show you a list of running stacks. Type-ahead search for the stack you want to copy into the QA environment.

  5. Your parameters will be saved in the folder stack-params

  6. Modify your configs/create-my-project-config.yml file

    1. Update the OriginalStack parameter to point to the stack-params file you just downloaded.
    2. Update any ParameterModifications you would like to override.
      1. Check or override these LARA params:
        1. HostName
        2. DomainNameBase
        3. CloudWatchLogGroup
        4. DbHost
        5. DatabaseSecurityGroupId
        6. Environment
        7. QAPortalSecret
        8. QAPortalURL
      2. Check or override these PORTAL params:
        1. ShortName
        2. DomainName
        3. CloudWatchLogGroup
        4. SiteURL
        5. Environment
        6. DbHost
        7. DatabaseSecurityGroupId
        8. AuthoringSiteURL
        9. S3SecreteAccessKey
        10. S3AccessKeyId
        11. ReportDomainName
        12. LogStashDbHost
        13. ClusterStackName
    3. See the scripts/ file for more info
  7. Configure AWS command line tools. Set your AWS_PROFILE to the appropriate account (eg: concord-qa)

  8. Run the create-stack npm script again.

  9. Select Create stack from the script menu, selecting your newly modified configuration file (create-my-project-config.yml)

  10. Monitor the creation of your stack using the AWS console.

Configuring Paired Authentication

  • Before creating the LARA instance, connect to the Portal you created.

  • Find the AuthClient for authoring in the admin clients listing in the Portal, and edit it.

  • Generate a new Secret.

  • Update the Allowed redirect URIs parameter to include the callback URL for your future LARA instance eg:

  • -

  • Set the Template parameters for the LARA instance:

    • PortalClientID: 'authoring'
    • QAPortalSecret: <secret from Portal auth-clients>
    • QAPortalURL: <https url to the Portal>
  • If the QAPortalSecret and QAPortalURL parameters are set in the create-config.yml file, the lara-ecs.yml template will configure a new CONCORD_CONFIGURED_PORTALS auth provider.

  • Check or set the value for the parameter PortalClientID

  • Make sure PortalClientID, QAPortalURL and QAPortalSecret match an entry in the list of Auth Clients on the paired Portal.

Converting Resource URLS in the newly created pair

Because the RDS servers were created from production, its important to rewrite resources in both the Portal and in LARA.

  • Copy the script from the lara git repo in lib/script/ rewrite_lara_portal_resources.rb and open a consoles in both the LARA and Portal rails servers.
  • In the Portal console run eg: update_portal_lara_refs('', '')
  • In Lara console run eg: update_lara_portal_refs('', '')

This domain is managed by the CloudFormation template. That template creates the domain within the AWS API Gateway service and adds a Route 53 recordset pointing to the CloudFront distribution automatically created as part of the API Gateway domain.

Other CloudFormation templates using Lambda functions can then route requests via by using a AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping in the following form (taken frm log-ingester.yml):

  Type: AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping
    - ApiGateway
    BasePath: !Ref ApiGatewayBasePath
    RestApiId: !Ref ApiGateway
    Stage: latest

where ApiGatewayBasePath is a CloudFormation parameter and ApiGateway is a AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi. If, for example, ApiGatewayBasePath is log-staging and the endpoint url of the latest stage ApiGateway is then after the gateway mapping completes will route to

Log Ingester

The log-ingester.yml CloudFormation template creates the following resources (along with the needed roles)

  1. An API Gateway
  2. A Kinesis stream
  3. A Lambda function
  4. An RDS database

The API Gateway takes POST logging requests to /logs and, via template mapping, and sends a record to the Kinesis stream in the form of ;. The Kinesis stream automatically triggers the Lambda function which parses the record and then creates a canonical log record that is inserted into the RDS database into the logs table.

This ingester is meant to replace the Heroku based log manager.

If you do not import the existing log manager data from Heroku the ingester schema needs to be manually created by connecting to the RDS instance that is created and then running the following queries:


    id integer NOT NULL,
    session character varying(255),
    username character varying(255),
    application character varying(255),
    activity character varying(255),
    event character varying(255),
    "time" timestamp without time zone,
    parameters hstore DEFAULT ''::hstore NOT NULL,
    extras hstore DEFAULT ''::hstore NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp without time zone,
    updated_at timestamp without time zone,
    event_value character varying(255),
    run_remote_endpoint character varying(255)

    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE ONLY logs ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('logs_id_seq'::regclass);
CREATE INDEX index_logs_on_activity ON logs USING btree (activity);
CREATE INDEX index_logs_on_application ON logs USING btree (application);
CREATE INDEX index_logs_on_event ON logs USING btree (event);
CREATE INDEX index_logs_on_run_remote_endpoint ON logs USING btree (run_remote_endpoint) WHERE (run_remote_endpoint IS NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX index_logs_on_session ON logs USING btree (session);
CREATE INDEX index_logs_on_time ON logs USING btree ("time");
CREATE INDEX index_logs_on_username ON logs USING btree (username);

Locally validating CloudFormation templates

You can locally validate the CloudFormation templates in two ways:

  1. Use cfn-lint
    1. Run pip install cfn-lint to install it
    2. Run cfn-lint <filename> to lint the file specified
  2. Use aws cloudformation validate-template
    1. Install the aws cli
    2. Run aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://<filename> to validate the file specified


Information and code for deploying LARA on CC's infrastructure







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