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GO api

conekta Go API Library

Go Reference

Conekta sdk


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.



Download conekta-go package:

go get -u

Using the library

In order to submit http request to Conekta API you need to initialize the client. The following example makes a order request:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a OrderRequest
	const acceptLanguage = "es"
	const accessToken = "Your merchant XAPI key"

	// create the http client
	config := conekta.NewConfiguration()
	client := conekta.NewAPIClient(config)

	ctx := context.WithValue(context.TODO(), conekta.ContextAccessToken, accessToken)

	// create customer
	customer := conekta.Customer{
		Name:  "test go",
		Phone: "+573143159063",
		Email: "",
	customerResponse, httpResponse, err := client.CustomersApi.CreateCustomer(ctx).
	if err != nil {
	if httpResponse.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
		panic("invalid response statusCode")

	// Create OrderRequest
	chargeRequest := conekta.ChargeRequest{
		Amount:        conekta.PtrInt32(1555),
		PaymentMethod: *conekta.NewChargeRequestPaymentMethod("cash"),
	productLine := conekta.Product{
		Name:      "toshiba",
		Quantity:  1,
		UnitPrice: 1555,
	orderRequest := conekta.OrderRequest{
		Charges: []conekta.ChargeRequest{
		Currency: "MXN",
		CustomerInfo: conekta.OrderRequestCustomerInfo{
			CustomerInfoJustCustomerId: conekta.NewCustomerInfoJustCustomerId(customerResponse.Id),
		LineItems: []conekta.Product{

	//Make the call to the service. This example code makes a call to /orders
	orderResponse, httpResponse, err := client.OrdersApi.CreateOrder(ctx).
	if err != nil {
	if httpResponse.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
		panic("invalid response statusCode")

Running tests

Navigate to conekta-go folder and run the following commands.

docker-compose up -d
go test -v --race ./...

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AntifraudAPI CreateRuleBlacklist Post /antifraud/blacklists Create blacklisted rule
AntifraudAPI CreateRuleWhitelist Post /antifraud/whitelists Create whitelisted rule
AntifraudAPI DeleteRuleBlacklist Delete /antifraud/blacklists/{id} Delete blacklisted rule
AntifraudAPI DeleteRuleWhitelist Delete /antifraud/whitelists/{id} Delete whitelisted rule
AntifraudAPI GetRuleBlacklist Get /antifraud/blacklists Get list of blacklisted rules
AntifraudAPI GetRuleWhitelist Get /antifraud/whitelists Get a list of whitelisted rules
ApiKeysAPI CreateApiKey Post /api_keys Create Api Key
ApiKeysAPI DeleteApiKey Delete /api_keys/{id} Delete Api Key
ApiKeysAPI GetApiKey Get /api_keys/{id} Get Api Key
ApiKeysAPI GetApiKeys Get /api_keys Get list of Api Keys
ApiKeysAPI UpdateApiKey Put /api_keys/{id} Update Api Key
BalancesAPI GetBalance Get /balance Get a company's balance
ChargesAPI GetCharges Get /charges Get A List of Charges
ChargesAPI OrdersCreateCharge Post /orders/{id}/charges Create charge
ChargesAPI UpdateCharge Put /charges/{id} Update a charge
CompaniesAPI GetCompanies Get /companies Get List of Companies
CompaniesAPI GetCompany Get /companies/{id} Get Company
CustomersAPI CreateCustomer Post /customers Create customer
CustomersAPI CreateCustomerFiscalEntities Post /customers/{id}/fiscal_entities Create Fiscal Entity
CustomersAPI DeleteCustomerById Delete /customers/{id} Delete Customer
CustomersAPI GetCustomerById Get /customers/{id} Get Customer
CustomersAPI GetCustomers Get /customers Get a list of customers
CustomersAPI UpdateCustomer Put /customers/{id} Update customer
CustomersAPI UpdateCustomerFiscalEntities Put /customers/{id}/fiscal_entities/{fiscal_entities_id} Update Fiscal Entity
DiscountsAPI OrdersCreateDiscountLine Post /orders/{id}/discount_lines Create Discount
DiscountsAPI OrdersDeleteDiscountLines Delete /orders/{id}/discount_lines/{discount_lines_id} Delete Discount
DiscountsAPI OrdersGetDiscountLine Get /orders/{id}/discount_lines/{discount_lines_id} Get Discount
DiscountsAPI OrdersGetDiscountLines Get /orders/{id}/discount_lines Get a List of Discount
DiscountsAPI OrdersUpdateDiscountLines Put /orders/{id}/discount_lines/{discount_lines_id} Update Discount
EventsAPI GetEvent Get /events/{id} Get Event
EventsAPI GetEvents Get /events Get list of Events
EventsAPI ResendEvent Post /events/{event_id}/webhook_logs/{webhook_log_id}/resend Resend Event
LogsAPI GetLogById Get /logs/{id} Get Log
LogsAPI GetLogs Get /logs Get List Of Logs
OrdersAPI CancelOrder Post /orders/{id}/cancel Cancel Order
OrdersAPI CreateOrder Post /orders Create order
OrdersAPI GetOrderById Get /orders/{id} Get Order
OrdersAPI GetOrders Get /orders Get a list of Orders
OrdersAPI OrderCancelRefund Delete /orders/{id}/refunds/{refund_id} Cancel Refund
OrdersAPI OrderRefund Post /orders/{id}/refunds Refund Order
OrdersAPI OrdersCreateCapture Post /orders/{id}/capture Capture Order
OrdersAPI UpdateOrder Put /orders/{id} Update Order
PaymentLinkAPI CancelCheckout Put /checkouts/{id}/cancel Cancel Payment Link
PaymentLinkAPI CreateCheckout Post /checkouts Create Unique Payment Link
PaymentLinkAPI EmailCheckout Post /checkouts/{id}/email Send an email
PaymentLinkAPI GetCheckout Get /checkouts/{id} Get a payment link by ID
PaymentLinkAPI GetCheckouts Get /checkouts Get a list of payment links
PaymentLinkAPI SmsCheckout Post /checkouts/{id}/sms Send an sms
PaymentMethodsAPI CreateCustomerPaymentMethods Post /customers/{id}/payment_sources Create Payment Method
PaymentMethodsAPI DeleteCustomerPaymentMethods Delete /customers/{id}/payment_sources/{payment_method_id} Delete Payment Method
PaymentMethodsAPI GetCustomerPaymentMethods Get /customers/{id}/payment_sources Get Payment Methods
PaymentMethodsAPI UpdateCustomerPaymentMethods Put /customers/{id}/payment_sources/{payment_method_id} Update Payment Method
PayoutOrdersAPI CreatePayoutOrder Post /payout_orders Create payout order
PayoutOrdersAPI GetPayoutOrderById Get /payout_orders/{id} Get Payout Order
PayoutOrdersAPI GetPayoutOrders Get /payout_orders Get a list of Payout Orders
PlansAPI CreatePlan Post /plans Create Plan
PlansAPI DeletePlan Delete /plans/{id} Delete Plan
PlansAPI GetPlan Get /plans/{id} Get Plan
PlansAPI GetPlans Get /plans Get A List of Plans
PlansAPI UpdatePlan Put /plans/{id} Update Plan
ProductsAPI OrdersCreateProduct Post /orders/{id}/line_items Create Product
ProductsAPI OrdersDeleteProduct Delete /orders/{id}/line_items/{line_item_id} Delete Product
ProductsAPI OrdersUpdateProduct Put /orders/{id}/line_items/{line_item_id} Update Product
ShippingContactsAPI CreateCustomerShippingContacts Post /customers/{id}/shipping_contacts Create a shipping contacts
ShippingContactsAPI DeleteCustomerShippingContacts Delete /customers/{id}/shipping_contacts/{shipping_contacts_id} Delete shipping contacts
ShippingContactsAPI UpdateCustomerShippingContacts Put /customers/{id}/shipping_contacts/{shipping_contacts_id} Update shipping contacts
ShippingsAPI OrdersCreateShipping Post /orders/{id}/shipping_lines Create Shipping
ShippingsAPI OrdersDeleteShipping Delete /orders/{id}/shipping_lines/{shipping_id} Delete Shipping
ShippingsAPI OrdersUpdateShipping Put /orders/{id}/shipping_lines/{shipping_id} Update Shipping
SubscriptionsAPI CancelSubscription Post /customers/{id}/subscription/cancel Cancel Subscription
SubscriptionsAPI CreateSubscription Post /customers/{id}/subscription Create Subscription
SubscriptionsAPI GetAllEventsFromSubscription Get /customers/{id}/subscription/events Get Events By Subscription
SubscriptionsAPI GetSubscription Get /customers/{id}/subscription Get Subscription
SubscriptionsAPI PauseSubscription Post /customers/{id}/subscription/pause Pause Subscription
SubscriptionsAPI ResumeSubscription Post /customers/{id}/subscription/resume Resume Subscription
SubscriptionsAPI UpdateSubscription Put /customers/{id}/subscription Update Subscription
TaxesAPI OrdersCreateTaxes Post /orders/{id}/tax_lines Create Tax
TaxesAPI OrdersDeleteTaxes Delete /orders/{id}/tax_lines/{tax_id} Delete Tax
TaxesAPI OrdersUpdateTaxes Put /orders/{id}/tax_lines/{tax_id} Update Tax
TokensAPI CreateToken Post /tokens Create Token
TransactionsAPI GetTransaction Get /transactions/{id} Get transaction
TransactionsAPI GetTransactions Get /transactions Get List transactions
TransfersAPI GetTransfer Get /transfers/{id} Get Transfer
TransfersAPI GetTransfers Get /transfers Get a list of transfers
WebhookKeysAPI CreateWebhookKey Post /webhook_keys Create Webhook Key
WebhookKeysAPI DeleteWebhookKey Delete /webhook_keys/{id} Delete Webhook key
WebhookKeysAPI GetWebhookKey Get /webhook_keys/{id} Get Webhook Key
WebhookKeysAPI GetWebhookKeys Get /webhook_keys Get List of Webhook Keys
WebhookKeysAPI UpdateWebhookKey Put /webhook_keys/{id} Update Webhook Key
WebhooksAPI CreateWebhook Post /webhooks Create Webhook
WebhooksAPI DeleteWebhook Delete /webhooks/{id} Delete Webhook
WebhooksAPI GetWebhook Get /webhooks/{id} Get Webhook
WebhooksAPI GetWebhooks Get /webhooks Get List of Webhooks
WebhooksAPI TestWebhook Post /webhooks/{id}/test Test Webhook
WebhooksAPI UpdateWebhook Put /webhooks/{id} Update Webhook

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: HTTP Bearer token authentication


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "BEARER_TOKEN_STRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Documentation for Utility Methods

Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it:

  • PtrBool
  • PtrInt
  • PtrInt32
  • PtrInt64
  • PtrFloat
  • PtrFloat32
  • PtrFloat64
  • PtrString
  • PtrTime
