Argentina's Congress data importer. The following data can be imported:
- Bills
- Committees
- People (legislatives and senators)
- Votes
Already imported data sets are available in ogov-data.
npm install ogov-importer
There are some available importers:
- BillImporter
- CommitteeImporter
- PeopleImporter
- VoteImporter
The configuration is the same for all importers. The following example uses a BillImporter:
var ogi = require("ogov-importer");
var inMemoryStorer = new ogi.InMemoryStorer();
// Any importer could be used here.
var importer = new ogi.BillImporter({
storers: [inMemoryStorer]
importer.start(function () {
console.log("Number of imported items: " + inMemoryStorer.getNumberOfItems());
- lastPage: optional. Page to resume a previous import process.
- queryCache: optional. cache implementation to store raw HTML result.
- storers: required. List of storers to save imported items into different data sources.
- logger: optional. Winston logger instance.
- poolSize: optional. Size of concurrent pages to process at the same time.
- pageSize: optional. Number of items to retrieve by page. Maximum and default is 1000.
- Importers are idempotent
- Storers: save imported data into different data sources.
- Query cache: a cache to store full query results in order to increase performance reducing network usage.
- Task-based import process designed to provide high-level contention.
- Built-in script to run importers without coding :)
The importer supports storers. A storer is an interface that allows to save imported items into different data sources and it is designed to provide contention to the import process. There're two built-in storers:
InMemoryStorer: stores items in a memory map.
FileSystemStorer: stores items in a directory of the file system, using the importer-ependant identifier.
It is possible to implement a new storer according to the following interface:
function CustomStorer {
return {
/** Stores the specified item with this storer.
* @param {String} id Unique identifier for this element. Cannot be null or
* empty.
* @param {Object} data Item to store. Cannot be null.
* @param {Function} callback Callback invoked when the item is already
* saved. Cannot be null.
store: function (id, data, callback) {
console.log("STORE: [" + id + "]" + JSON.stringify(data));
/** Waits until all operations in the storer has finished.
* @param {Function} callback Invoked when there is no pending operations.
* Cannot be null.
wait: function (callback) {
// No async operations pending.
In order to improve performance it is possible to cache full queries results. It provides another level of contention to the import process. There's a built-in FileSystemCache
that stores results in a file system directory. The following example shows how to implement a memory cache (completely useless, a nice implementation could be through memcached):
function CustomQueryCache() {
/** Memory cache implementation. */
var cache = {};
return {
/** Puts an entry into the cache.
* @param {Object} key Entry key. Cannot be null.
* @param {Object} data Entry value. Cannot be null.
* @param {Function} [callback] Invoked when the cache entry is successfully
* stored. It takes an error as parameter.
put: function (key, data, callback) {
cache[JSON.stringify(key)] = data;
/** Reads an entry from the cache.
* @param {Object} key Entry key. Cannot be null.
* @param {Function} callback Invoked to provide the entry value. It takes
* an error and the entry value as parameters. Cannot be null.
get: function (key, callback) {
callback(null, cache[JSON.stringify(key)]);
/** Determines whether the specified key exists in the cache.
* @param {String} key Key of the entry to verify. Cannot be null or empty.
* @param {Function} callback Receives an error and a boolean indicating
* whether the entry exists in the cache. Cannot be null.
exists: function (key, callback) {
callback(null, cache.hasOwnProperty(key));
/** Waits until all operations in the cache has finished.
* @param {Function} callback Invoked when there is no pending operations.
* Cannot be null.
wait: function (callback) {
// No async operations pending.
An import process consist of tasks that retrieve and parse information in parallel. Each task loads a data url into a virtual DOM environment and it can use jQuery to easily parse data. It is possible to implement new importers extending the Importer
interface. The most simple implementation may look as the following example:
function CustomImporter() {
/** Base class to inherit behaviour from. */
var Importer = require("./lib/Importer")
/** Current importer instance. */
var importer = new Importer(options);
/** Indicates whether the importer is already running or not. */
var enqueued = false;
return extend(importer, {
/** Executes an enqueued task.
* @param {Object} task Task to execute. Cannot be null.
* @param {String} Task name. Cannot be null or empty.
* @param {Object} data Task specific data. Can be null.
execute: function (task, callback) {
importer.initEnv("http://[data.url]", function (errors, window) {
// ... Parse data with window.jQuery() ...
// ... store each item with, data, callback) ...
/** Enqueues a new task. Tasks will be executed as soon as the pool has
* space for new elements.
* @return {Object} Returns the task to enqueue, never null.
enqueueTask: function () {
if (enqueued) {
return null;
} else {
enqueued = true;
return {
name: "My custom task",
data: {}
If you just want to run importers without caring about coding, it is possible to clone this repository and run the importer script:
$ git clone
$ cd ogov-importer
$ npm install
$ node importer
Importer not specified. Supported importers are:
This built-in importer stores all data in the data
Bills contain the following normative elements:
Bills are represented by the following JSON structure:
source: 'Diputados|Senado',
textUrl: "",
publishedOn: 'Diario de Asuntos Entrados N° 5',
creationTime: '2014-03-27T03:00:00.000Z',
summary: 'Resumen del proyecto',
revisionChamber: 'Diputados|Senado',
revisionFile: 'ID-PARLAMENTARIO',
procedures: [{
source: 'Diputados|Senado',
topic: 'Consideración y Aprobación',
date: '2014-03-27T03:00:00.000Z',
dictums: [{
source: 'Diputados|Senado',
date: '2014-03-27T03:00:00.000Z',
result: 'APROBADO',
url: "realted url, if any"
subscribers: [{
name: 'FULL NAME',
province: 'BUENOS AIRES'
Committees have a relationship with bills through the name.
url: '',
type: 'permanentes',
location: 'Riobamba 25 Piso 4° Oficina 455, CP C1025ABA , C.A.B.A.',
secretary: 'LIC. BARROS, ADOLFO',
chief: 'SRA.GOMEZ,MARTA M.',
meetings: 'Miercoles 10:00 Hs.',
phones: 'Of. Administrativa: (054-11) 4127-7100 interno:(2447/2448/2461)',
members: [{
position: "presidente",
district: "CORRIENTES",
block: "UCR"
People have an indirect relationship with committees through the committee name. The name attribute can be used to link a single person with a bill through the list of bill subscribers.
pictureUrl: '',
user: 'laguilar',
email: '',
district: 'SAN LUIS',
start: '10/12/2011',
end: '09/12/2015',
committees: [{
name: 'CULTURA',
position: 'vocal'
Votes are imported from PDF documents generated in each Congress session.
description: 'Document description',
url: "",
orderPaper: 'id of order paper',
version: '1',
date: '10/12/2011',
hour: '18:44',
summary: {
majorityBase: "Votos Emitidos",
majorityType: "La mitad más uno",
quorum: "Más de la mitad",
present: {
identified: "223",
unknown: "0",
total: "223"
absent: "34",
affirmative: {
members: "217",
president: "0",
castingVote: "0",
total: "217"
negative: {
members: "0",
president: "0",
castingVote: "0",
total: "0"
abstention: {
members: "5",
president: "0",
total: "5"
votes: [{
name: 'LEGISLATIVE, name',
party: 'Political Party',
province: 'Legislative province',
references: {
summary: "Votación en General y Particular de los siguientes Proyectos de Ley: Expedientes 2005-D-11, 124-S-12, 3561-D-12, 127-S-12,4929-D-12, 103-S-11, 1964-D-11, 5219-D-11, 2676-D-12.",
files: [ '2005-D-2011',