Parse and verify various file formats used by the Nintendo 3DS, also known as CTR.
This repository contains both a CLI and a Golang library.
The main goal is to check both integrity and authenticity of those files before installing them.
The integrity is established by verifying the file structure and embedded SHA-256 hashes.
While not mandatory, the authenticity can also be established thanks to Nintendo signatures. Those digital signatures can be verified using public Nintendo certificates, but cannot be generated without private keys that are only known by Nintendo.
The command-line tool can be found precompiled in the releases page.
Alternatively, it can be built and installed from source:
go get
An AUR package is also available for Arch Linux users: ctrsigcheck-bin.
Parse and verify various file formats used by the Nintendo 3DS, also known as CTR
ctrsigcheck [command]
Available Commands:
cia Check CIA files
help Help about any command
ticket Check ticket files
tmd Check TMD files
-h, --help help for ctrsigcheck
Use "ctrsigcheck [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Check the reference.