Easy setup for testing Ext JS with Siesta.
This npm-package provides a collection of utility- and helper-methods for Siesta and Ext JS.
To use this package with Ext JS-projects, include the package as a devDependency
$ npm i --save-dev @coon-js/siesta-lib-helper
A binary of @coon-js/siesta-lib-helper
can then be called:
npx siesta-lib-helper
The BoilerPlate.js
contains code that automatically creates an Ext JS-testing environment.
To use the BoilerPlate, it should be sufficient to copy the index.extjs-browser.html
into the target directory
where your tests should run. Paths should be adjusted accordingly, if your testing environment does not
match the following structure:
(In this example, index.extjs-browser.html
will be placed into tests
To simplify setting up your testing environment, siesta-lib-helper
is available as a cli-programm that
will copy a tests.redirect.html
- and a index.extjs-browser.html
-file into your module:
$ npx siesta-lib-helper
Note: tests.redirect.html
serves as a redirect in case your local web server requires a file being specified as the index of the
document-root. It is not require to properly create the Ext JS-Testing-Browser.
The following example shows how to use a test.config.js for configuring the tested environment to be used with Siesta.Harness.Browser.ExtJS. The corresponding builds and paths for the Ext JS-library were automatically created with @coon-js/extjs-link.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../node_modules/siesta-lite/resources/css/siesta-all.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../node_modules/siesta-lite/siesta-all.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
index.js contains the instantiation of the browser-class and configures the Siesta-Browser with the required options:
import groups from "./groups.config.js"; // contains test-structure
import testConfig from "./tests.config.js";
import {getPaths} from "../node_modules/@coon-js/siesta-lib-helper/dist/siesta-lib-helper.runtime.esm.js";
browser = new Siesta.Harness.Browser.ExtJS(),
isModern = window.location.href.indexOf("toolkit=modern") !== -1,
paths = getPaths(testConfig, isModern);
title: "example - " + (isModern ? "modern" : "classic"),
isEcmaModule: true,
disableCaching: true
}, paths));
In this example, the configuration looks like this. While the loaderPath
is most of the time depending
on the existing resources you want to include in your tests, the preload of the Ext JS-library is mandatory:
export default {
loaderPath: {
"Ext.Package": "../node_modules/@coon-js/extjs-package-loader/packages/package-loader/src/Package.js",
"Ext.package": "../node_modules/@coon-js/extjs-package-loader/packages/package-loader/src/package",
"coon.core.overrides.core": "../overrides",
"coon.core.fixtures": "./fixtures",
"coon.core": "../src/",
"coon.test": "./src"
preload: {
css: {
modern: [
classic: [
js: ["../node_modules/@l8js/l8/dist/l8.runtime.umd.js", {
modern: "./build/extjs-link/extjs/modern/ext-modern-all-debug.js",
classic: "./build/extjs-link/extjs/classic/ext-all-debug.css"
A helper method to inject the configuration generated by @coon-js/extjs-link
into a configuration as defined by a tests.config.js
-file, then passing it to getPaths().
Basically, toolkit-groups defined in both files get merged.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../node_modules/siesta-lite/resources/css/siesta-all.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../node_modules/siesta-lite/siesta-all.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
index.js contains the instantiation of the browser-class and configures the Siesta-Browser with the required options:
import testConfig from "./tests.config.js";
import groups from "./groups.config.js";
import {configureWithExtJsLinkPaths} from "../node_modules/@coon-js/siesta-lib-helper/dist/siesta-lib-helper.runtime.esm.js";
browser = new Siesta.Harness.Browser.ExtJS(),
isModern = window.location.href.indexOf("toolkit=modern") !== -1,
paths = await configureWithExtJsLinkPaths(testConfig, "../.extjs-link.conf.json", isModern);
title: "extjs-lib-core - " + (isModern ? "modern" : "classic"),
isEcmaModule: true,
disableCaching: true
}, paths));
"css": [{
"modern": [
"classic": [
"js": {
"modern": "modern.js",
"classic": "classic.js"
export default {
loaderPath: {
"Ext.Package": "../node_modules/@coon-js/extjs-package-loader/packages/package-loader/src/Package.js",
"Ext.package": "../node_modules/@coon-js/extjs-package-loader/packages/package-loader/src/package",
"coon.core.overrides.core": "../overrides",
"coon.core.fixtures": "./fixtures",
"coon.core": "../src/",
"coon.test": "./src"
preload: {
css: {
modern: [
classic: [
js: ["../node_modules/@l8js/l8/dist/l8.runtime.umd.js", {
modern: "./build/extjs-link/extjs/modern/ext-modern-all-debug.js",
classic: "./build/extjs-link/extjs/classic/ext-all-debug.css"
config produced by configureWithExtJsLinkPaths(testConfig, "../.extjs-link.conf.json", true)
"loaderPath": {
"Ext.Package": "../node_modules/@coon-js/extjs-package-loader/packages/package-loader/src/Package.js",
"Ext.package": "../node_modules/@coon-js/extjs-package-loader/packages/package-loader/src/package",
"coon.core.overrides.core": "../overrides",
"coon.core.fixtures": "./fixtures",
"coon.core": "../src/",
"coon.test": "./src"
"preload": [
$ npm test
npm run build