This plugin renders a native view (panel) at the bottom of the webview that contains: | leftButton - inputField - rightButton |
This allows for apps with chat views to have a better user experience where the input field is native and moves up and down with soft-keyboard.
All components can be styled using css:
/*default values*/
/*default css class for the inputField*/
.nativeInput {
background-color: white;
/*default css class for the panel */
.nativeInput-panel {
background-color: white;
/*default class for the left button */
.nativeInput-leftButton {
background-color: whitesmoke;
.nativeInput-leftButton:pressed {
background-color: #C0C0C0;
/*default class for the right button */
.nativeInput-rightButton {
background-color: whitesmoke;
background-color: #C0C0C0;
setup the plugin with the parameters provided.
params = {
styleCSS: 'text:Up;color:blue;background-color:gray;'
rightButton: {
styleClass: 'myRightButtonClass',
cssId: 'myRightButton'
panel: {
styleClass: 'grey-panel'
placeHolder: 'Type your message here',
type: 'normal',
lines: 1,
styleClass: 'myInputClass'
Show the input field panel and set the inputField text content.
cordova.plugins.NativeInput.setup("lorem ipsum ...");
There are the buttons that can be displayed at the left and/or right of the input field. You can specify the native css using a class, id or in-line css.
When one of the buttons is tapped the event can be handled using:
if("left" === side){
console.log("left button tapped");
if("right" === side){
console.log("right button tapped");
This is the panel that goes behind the input field and buttons. You can use css to configure it's look and feel. The default style is with white background.
The actual input field. You can use css to configure it's look and feel (styleId, styleClass and styleCSS).
You can also configure the following options:
type - string - Defines the behaviour of the input field and the soft keyboard. Possible values: ('uri', 'normal', 'email', 'number')
placeHolder - Text that appears in the input field while it is empty.
lines - (Android Only) Number of lines that the input field will support. When you specify 1 the input field is confifure as single line. When lines > 1 the input field is configure as mult-line and will grow in size as the user adds more lines to the text.
Hide the whole panel including: buttons, input field and etc.
- autoCloseKeyboard - If the keyboard should be closed after the "action button" is tapped.
cordova.plugins.NativeInput.onKeyboardAction(true, function(action){
- autoCloseKeyboard: When true it will close the keyboard after any keyboard action is triggered.
- handler: The handle function can be called multiple times when a keyboard action has occurred. The handler function receives a parameter action with the possible values: done, go, next, send, newline
if("left" === side){
console.log("left button tapped");
if("right" === side){
console.log("right button tapped");
The handler function can be called multiple fimes when a button is tapped. It receives a parameter side with the possible values: left, right
Close the soft keyboard.
Get notified when the keyboard closes.
... //do something with the new value
The handler function will be called multiples times when the content of the input field changes.
... //do something with the value
cordova.plugins.NativeInput.setValue("lorem ipsum...");
The handler function will be called once with the current value of the input field.