Dummy project to test issue 748 in PHPCI
We have a basic build file that load a property file in etc folder.
PHPCI before 748 patch should crash because
Buildfile: /build.xml
[property] Loading /Volumes/develop/lab/phpci/etc/config.ini.dist
[property] Unable to find property file: [PATH of PHPCI]/etc/config.ini.dist... skipped
It happens because the phing plugin doesn't change the current dir to the project dir and uses the PHPCI dir.
The patch 748 add an argument to phing to set the project dir, and then all relative paths' are working well.
-Dproject.basedir="[Project base dir]"
In PHPCI Admin Options click on Add Project and fill the fields:
Where is your project hosted? GitHub
Repository Name / URL (Remote) or Path (Local) corretgecom/phpci_issue748
Project Title phpci_issue748
Save the Project and Build Now.