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TelFusDetector provides functionalities for the detection of telomere fusions using whole-genome sequencing data.

If you use TelFusDetector (see License at the bottom of this page), please cite our publication Muyas & Gomez-Rodriguez et al. 2023.

Installation and requirements

TelFusDetector requires Python version >=3.7.0 and samtools.

  • We strongly recommend building your own conda environment as follows:
conda create -n TelFusDetector -c bioconda python=3.7 samtools
conda activate TelFusDetector
  • Additional dependencies can be installed by running the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt



This script detects telomere fusions in WGS DNA sequencing data sets (paired-end sequencing data). It can be run with multiple processes to speed up the computation.

python scripts/ --help
usage: [-h] --bam BAM [--genome {Hg38,Hg19}]
                               [--bam2 BAM2] [--outfolder OUTFOLDER]
                               [--sample SAMPLE] [--tmpfolder TMPFOLDER]
                               [--threads THREADS]

TelFusDetector: This tool serves to detect telomere fusions in DNA sequencing
data sets (paired-end sequencing data)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bam BAM             BAM file to be analysed (Sorted by coordinate and
  --genome {Hg38,Hg19}  Reference genome used for the alignment (Choose Hg38
                        or Hg19)
  --bam2 BAM2           BAM file with unmapped reads (Sorted by coordinate and
                        indexed). If provided, it will speed up the
                        computation. If not provided, TelFusDetector will do
                        it internally.
  --outfolder OUTFOLDER
                        Out directory
  --sample SAMPLE       Sample ID. All output files will start with this
  --tmpfolder TMPFOLDER
                        Directory to save all temporary files. If it exits,
                        please empty it before running TelFusDetector
  --threads THREADS     Number of threads to use [Default: 1]

Out files generated will generate the next files:

  • Sample.all_chromosomes.coverage.tsv : File listing the read length, total number of reads and mean coverage in the sample.
  • Sample.summary_fusions.pass.tsv : File listing the PASS telomere fusion calls and all characteristics. It includes the read-pairs supporting the somatic telomere fusions and the read-pairs supporting the chromosome 9 endogenous fusion.
  • Sample.summary_fusions.filtered.tsv : File listing the Filtered telomere fusion calls and the reason for being filtered.


This script calculates the telomere fusion (TF) rates per sample. For that, it takes the output generated by (**.summary_fusions.pass.tsv*) and calculates telomere fusion rates. If available (and recommended), the user can provide the tumour purity to normalise the TF rates.

The tool permits flexibly calculating the TF rates by groups (orientation, breakpoint sequence...). Use the parameter --variables for that.

python scripts/ --help
usage: [-h] --fusion_file FUSION_FILE
                              [--variables VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...]]
                              [--purity PURITY] [--outfile OUTFILE]

TelFusDetectorRate: Tool that takes the output generated by TelFusDetector to
calculate telomere fusion rates

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fusion_file FUSION_FILE
                        Telomere fusion summary file generated by
                        TelFusDetector (*summary_fusions.pass.tsv)
  --variables VARIABLES [VARIABLES ...]
                        Input column names to be used for grouping the
                        telomere fusions (follow this format --variables VAR1
                        VAR2 VAR3 ...)
  --purity PURITY       Tumour purity [Default = 1]
  --outfile OUTFILE     Output file with the calculated telomere fusion rates

Out file generated

  • File with the TF rates. If --variables provided, TF rates for each group.


TelFusDetector is free for academic use only. If you are not a member of a public funded academic and/or education and/or research institution you must obtain a commercial license from EMBL Enterprise Management GmbH (EMBLEM); please email EMBLEM (


If you have any comments or suggestions, please raise an issue or contact us:


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