42Seoul에서 진행중인 본과정 프로젝트를 소개합니다.
Circle | Project | Description | Status |
0 | Libft | My very first own C library | |
1 | get_next_line | Reading a line on a fd is way too tedious | |
ft_printf | Because putnbr and putstr aren’t enough | ||
netwhat | Understand how network works | ||
2 | ft_server | System Administration with Docker | |
miniRT | My first RayTracer with miniLibX | ||
cub3d | My first RayCaster with miniLibX | Unavailable | |
3 | libasm | Assembly yourself! | |
minishell | As beautiful as a shell | ||
ft_services | System Administration with Kubernetes | ||
4 | CPP Module | Time to dive into C++ OOP! | |
Philosophers | Implement Dining philosophers problem | ||
5 | ft_irc | Write own IRC server | Unavailable |
webserv | Write own HTTP server | ||
ft_containers | Implement C++98 STL | ||
6 | ft_transcendence | Look at you now. |