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This repository contains my Bachelor's CS degree project as well as it's timeline and incremental progress.


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This repository contains my Bachelor's CS degree project as well as it's timeline and incremental progress.

Features and architecture

Overall progress

Week 1 (19.02.2018 -> 23.02.2018)

  • ☑️ Define a specific set of use cases detailed in Images/Specifications.png file as a result of the discussion with Flavian, Cosmin R. and Dan T.
  • ☑️ Research on the appropriate technologies (Apache Flume, Hadoop, Solr)
  • ☑️ Create the project pre-architecture and establish it
  • ☑️ Research on Apache Flume to see if it supports metadata extraction and different log formats
  • ☑️ Create a prototype Solr project using Docker and SolrJ
  • ☑️ Request access to AWS infrastructure

Week 2 (26.02.2018 -> 02.03.2018)

  • ☑️ Discuss with Ciprian D. (coordinator professor) to get approval on project architecture and features (last week progress)
  • ☑️ Test Solr in manual configuration to understand the flow (results presented here)
  • ☑️ Research on different types of logs and think about a unique, structured data transfer object
  • ☑️ Research on Solr Analyzers
  • ☑️ Get access to AWS and Splunk
  • ☑️ Research on Morphlines and MapReduceIndexerTool

Week 3 (5.03.2018 -> 9.03.2018)

  • ☑️ Discuss with Andrei F. to get access to the AWS infrastructure
  • ☑️ Bootstrap the infrastructure and get access to Cloudera dashboard
  • ☑️ Analyze the current infrastructure
  • ☑️ Install Flume through Cloudera (need to make this persistent in the future)

Week 4 (12.03.2018 -> 16.03.2018)

  • ☑️ Analyze all keystone logs to see their format
  • ☑️ Create a simulator that takes a large log file, splits it into multiple files and archives those files
  • ☑️ Create a parser that decompresses each archive and converts each log event into a structured JSON model

Week 5 (19.03.2018 -> 23.03.2018)

  • ☑️ Test the parser along with the simulator
  • ☑️ Modify the parser to support high speed archive ingestion
  • ☑️ Add support for multiline logs (ex. stacktraces)
  • ☑️ Add parser functions that support only a subset of log formats (ongoing work)

Week 6 (26.03.2018 -> 30.03.2018)

  • ☑️ Research on Grok parser as a final parsing solution
  • ☑️ Created a test project to illustrate the functionality of Grok
  • ☑️ Started to analyze Flume configuration
  • ☑️ Modified Flume config file to send data to a specific HDFS directory

Week 7 (02.04.2018 -> 06.04.2018)

  • ☑️ Changed Flume config to send an entire blob (file) to HDFS, with an established max size
  • ☑️ Tested the LogGenerator along with the LogParser and with Flume
  • ☑️ Modified both projects accordingly to pass the functionality test
  • ☑️ Research on the MapReduceIndexerTool job

Week 8 (09.04.2018 -> 13.04.2018)

  • ☑️ Research on the Morphline concept along with the MapReduceIndexerTool
  • ☑️ Created a Morphline config file that matches the project needs
  • ☑️ Created a script that starts the indexing job
  • ☑️ Debugged a strange error on MapReduceIndexerTool using StackOverflow
  • ☑️ Managed to run the indexing job in --dry-run mode (without Solr loading)

Week 9 (16.04.2018 -> 20.04.2018)

  • ☑️ Modified the Morphline config file to load the index into Solr
  • ☑️ Created a script that generates a Solr Config file
  • ☑️ Created a script that creates a Solr Core based on a generated configuration
  • ☑️ Adapted the default Solr schema to match the serialized JSON model of a log event
  • ☑️ Ran the entire flow and checked the index correctness on small files with a few models

Week 10 (23.04.2018 -> 27.04.2018)

  • ☑️ Implemented the Grok engine in the project parser
  • ☑️ Created a mockup client project
  • ☑️ Implemented TarGz decompressor
  • ☑️ Implemented Zip decompressor
  • ☑️ Created unit tests (using JUnit) for all decompressors
  • ☑️ Presented the current progress to the coordinator professor
  • ☑️ Discussed with Cosmin R. about triggering the index job using SQS

Week 11 (30.04.2018 -> 4.05.2018)

  • ☑️ Created a set of config scripts that will prepare the newly created infrastructure
  • ☑️ Created the daemon that will run on HDFS machine and trigger the index job (IndexTrigger)
  • ☑️ Started building of a Desktop app UI using Java Swing

Week 12 (07.05.2018 -> 11.05.2018)

  • ☑️ Replaced Swing UI with a Java FX one (because it's more flexible)
  • ☑️ Tried to fix the QE cluster with Dragos C. and Vlad C.
  • ☑️ Built the presentation for Scientific Communication Session 2018
  • ☑️ Built a document with the initial work on this project

Week 12 (14.05.2018 -> 18.05.2018)

  • ☑️ Added CommonsCLI support in the Client project
  • ☑️ Added a custom control in the desktop UI for the search fields
  • ☑️ Developed the SolrAPI class on the client
  • ☑️ Created custom classes for each command

Week 13 (21.05.2018 -> 25.05.2018)

  • ☑️ Created the SpringBoot REST API on HadoopDriver project (index trigger)
  • ☑️ Fixed some packet collisions that were leading to a corrupt fat JAR
  • ☑️ Developed a HadoopRestAPI Client on the client project
  • ☑️ Tested the API to make sure that index-now and index-interval commands work as expected

Week 14 (28.05.2018 -> 01.06.2018)

  • ☑️ Created a command executor model on the client
  • ☑️ Developed the export command in both CLI and GUI
  • ☑️ Implemented a merge logic between the time-interval and date-interval commands
  • ☑️ Started to work on the official documentation

Week 15 (04.05.2018 -> 08.06.2018)

  • ☑️ Added S3 download functionality on parser
  • ☑️ Added SQS receive logic on parser
  • ☑️ Implemented the processing logic for each archive using an ExecutorService
  • ☑️ Created a test S3 bucket and tested the developed workflow
  • ☑️ Created a DataGenerator multithreaded project that generates archives and loads them in S3

Week 16 (11.05.2018 -> 15.06.2018)

  • ☑️ Finalized the client side and tested it manually
  • ☑️ Implemented the Job Scheduler on the Hadoop Driver (using a timer controllable by the client)
  • ☑️ Developed a logic to detect when the indexing job is finished
  • ☑️ Diagnosed a log4j deadlock (Call Appenders) caused by a missing file
  • ☑️ Accelerated the work on the documentation
  • ☑️ Worked on the presentation for the KeyStone team

Week 18 (18.05.2018 -> 22.06.2018)

  • ☑️ Presented the project to the keystone team
  • ☑️ Worked on the documentation
  • ☑️ Loaded 34.7 GB of data into the system and tested the entire data flow
  • ☑️ Worked on the Faculty formalities regarding the diploma exam

Week 19 (25.05.2018 -> 29.06.2018)

  • ☑️ Finalized and delivered the documentation
  • ☑️ Loaded 120 GB of data and tested the entire workflow
  • ☑️ Created the official presentation for the next week