This module provides Puppet configurations for common Windows administration.
Configures automatic logon for the system for the given user. For example:
class { 'windows::autologon':
user => 'justin',
password => 's3kr1t',
Downloads and installs IIS Express 8.
Automatically downloads and installs Java from Oracle. Currently, it uses Java 8 Update 60. Use of this class implies your acceptance of the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for SE Platform Products.
Downloads and installs the Non-Sucking Service Manager.
Sets the power scheme for the system, for example:
class { 'windows::power_scheme':
ensure => 'High performance',
Contains an exec
resource that will refresh the current environment --
used when modifying system variables and having them be reflected
without logging off and/or rebooting. Notify this class after modifying
any system enviornment variable.
Configures automatic windows updates, consult its source for more information.
Configures a windows environment variable, for example:
windows::environment { 'PYTHONPATH':
value => 'C:\my_python_path'
Creates a Windows firewall rule, for a program or a local port. Some examples:
# Allow ICMP ping.
windows::firewall_rule { 'ICMP Ping':
protocol => 'icmpv4:8,any',
# Allow Python 2.7.
windows::firewall_rule { 'python2.7':
program => 'C:\Python27\python.exe',
Ensures that the given directory is a part of the Windows %Path%
, e.g.:
windows::path { 'C:\Python27': }
Registers a DLL (or other control) specificed by the resource's name as a component in the registry.
Configures a screen saver (specified by the given user name). For example,
this configures the blank screen saver for the user justin
to engage after
10 minutes, and requiring a password to log back in:
windows::screen_saver { 'justin':
secure => true,
timeout => '10m',
Configures a windows shortcut, for example:
windows::shortcut { 'C:\Users\justin\Desktop\python.lnk':
target => 'C:\Python27\python.exe',
description => 'Python 2.7',
Unzips a file on Windows using Microsoft native APIs. For example:
windows::unzip { 'C:\':
destination => 'C:\dest',
creates => 'C:\dest\uncompressed.txt',
This assumes that the file uncompressed.txt
exists in C:\
Apache License, Version 2.0
Justin Bronn
Please log tickets and issues at