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Sentry is "a modern error logging and aggregation platform." This module installs the on-premise open source version of Sentry. A Sentry administrative user, default Organization and default Team will be created.

NOTE version 3 of this module only supports Sentry versions 8.4.0 and above.


This module supports only Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and its derivatives.

Puppet 4 or future parser are required.

The following modules are required:

This module configures Sentry to use a PostgreSQL database, memcached, and Redis. The installation and configuration of these services are not managed by this module. Please see the Modules we use to satify those dependencies below.

If an LDAP host is defined for the Sentry configuration, the getsentry-ldap-auth plugin is activated.


To install the latest version of Sentry with all default values:

class { 'sentry': }

The default configuration assumes all of the dependencies are running on localhost, which is likely only useful for a development scenario. This will also use the Red Hat default snakeoil SSL certificate for HTTPS.

A more realistic use case following the roles and profiles pattern:

  • role/manifests/sentry.pp
class role::sentry {

  include profile::sentry
  # Sentry servers run memcached locally
  include profile::memcached

  • profile/manifests/sentry.pp
class profile::sentry {

  include profile::postgresql_client
  include ::sentry

  Class['profile::postgresql_client'] ->

  • hieradata/hosts/
  - role::sentry
sentry::admin_email: ''
sentry::admin_password: <redacted>
sentry::db_host: ''
sentry::db_name: 'sentry'
sentry::db_user: 'sentry'
sentry::db_password: 'sentry_db_password'
sentry::ldap_auth_version: '2.0'
sentry::ldap_domain: 'example'
sentry::ldap_base_ou: 'dc=example,dc=com'
sentry::ldap_group_base: 'OU=Sentry Users,OU=Admin Users,DC=example,DC=com'
sentry::ldap_group_dn: 'CN=Sentry Group,OU=Admin Groups,DC=example,DC=com'
sentry::ldap_host: ''
sentry::ldap_user: ''
sentry::ldap_password: 'ldap_bind_password'
sentry::organization: 'Awesome Organization'
sentry::path: '/var/lib/sentry'
sentry::redis_host: ''
sentry::secret_key: <some secret key>
sentry::smtp_host: ''
sentry::ssl_cert: '/etc/ssl/'
sentry::ssl_key: '/etc/ssl/'
sentry::version: '8.4.1'
sentry::sentry_vhost: ''



This is the main class that handles the installation of Sentry, configures an Apache virtual host running mod_wsgi, and manages the Sentry background worker processes.

Class parameters:

  • admin_email: the admin user's email address; also used as login name (root@localhost)
  • admin_password: the admin user's password (admin)
  • custom_config: array of custom configs to put into config.yml
  • custom_settings: array of custom settings to put into
  • db_host: the PostgreSQL database host (localhost)
  • db_name: the name of the PostgreSQL database to use (sentry)
  • db_password: the DB user's password (sentry)
  • db_port: the PostgreSQL database port (5432)
  • db_user: the user account with which to connect to the database (sentry)
  • extensions: hash of Sentry extensions, with source URLs, to install
  • group: UNIX group to own virtualenv, and run background workers (sentry)
  • *ldap_ **: LDAP connection details used for creating local user accounts from AD users
  • memcached_host: name or IP of memcached server (localhost)
  • memcached_port: port to use for memcached (11211)
  • metrics_enable: whether to enable the sentry metrics (false)
  • metrics_backend: which metrics backend to enable (statsd)
  • organization: default organization to create, and in which to create new users
  • path: path into which to install Sentry, and create the virtualenv (/srv/sentry)
  • redis_host: name or IP of Redis server (localhost)
  • redis_port: port to use for Redis (6379)
  • secret_key: string used to hash cookies (fqdn_rand_string(40))
  • smtp_host: name or IP of SMTP server (localhost)
  • *ssl_ **: Apache SSL controls. The ssl_cert and ssl_key parameters reference files on the Sentry server. Your Sentry profile class or other higher level class should manage the installation of these file resources.
  • statsd_host: hostname of statsd server (localhost)
  • statsd_port: port for statsd server (8125)
  • url: source URL form which to install Sentry (false, use PyPI)
  • user: UNIX user to own virtualenv, and run background workers (sentry)
  • version: the Sentry version to install
  • vhost: the URL at which users will access the Sentry GUI
  • *wsgi_ **: mod_wsgi controls
  • worker_concurrency: number of concurrent workers


This private class ensures that all of the Sentry prerequisites are installed. It will create the direcotry into which Sentry will be installed, create the Sentry user and group, create a Python virtual environment, and install the RPM and pip dependencies.


This private class installs the and config.yml configuration files used by Sentry.


This private class installs Sentry itself. The getsentry-ldap-auth plugin is installed, but will not be used unless an LDAP host is defined in sentry::init.

Upon first installation, the initial database migrations will be performed, a Sentry admin user will be created, and a basic configuration will be bootstrapped.

This class will also handle upgrades to Sentry, when the version parameter defined here is different from the version installed. The upgrade process is as automated as possible, but manual intervention may be required depending on your specific configuration.


This private class manages the Sentry background workers via systemd.


This private class installs an Apache virtual host with mod_wsgi. HTTPS support is optional.



This defined type collects all of the exported sentry::source::project resources and instantiates them on the Sentry server.

This allows for applications to create Sentry projects and DSNs automatically.


This defined type exports a sentry::source::project resource.

Type parameters:

  • organization: The Sentry organization to use. Required. No default.
  • team: The Sentry team to use. Required. No default.
  • language: the Sentry language to use
  • env: the tag to apply

The title of this resource will be used to create a sentry::source::project resource of the form ${name}-${::hostname}. This allows multiple application servers to export the same application to Sentry, but ensures that only one Sentry project is created.

organization and team are required parameters. The organization must exist, however, if the team does not exist it will be created. We don't have a need for dynamically creating new organization which is why its not supported at this time.

This defined type looks for a custom fact named ${name}_lang. If found, the value of this fact will be used for this project's language, regardless of any $language class parameter defined. This custom fact is not included in this module. An example is available in the examples directory.


This defined type defines a Sentry project.

For each sentry::source::project, a Sentry project will be created in the default Organization and Team.

Type parameters:

  • organization: The Sentry organization to use. Required. No default.
  • team: The Sentry team to use. Required. No default.
  • project: the name of the project
  • platform: the language used by this project
  • path: the virtualenv path to use for Sentry


One of the goals of this module was hands-off creation of new Sentry projects for applications. Here's how we accomplish this task. Your mileage may vary.

Our application servers are classified with our profile::appserver class. This class includes a custom fact that enumerates all of the applications deployed to the server. We take this list of deployed applications and pass it as an array to sentry::source::export to create one exported resource for each application:

    sentry::source::export { $::deployed_apps:
      organization => hiera(sentry::organization)
      team         => hiera(sentry::team)
      env          => $::application_environment

We tag the exported resources with another custom fact for the application environment (production, testing, etc).

The sentry::source::export defined type simply exports a sentry::source::project defined type, with the important caveat that the application server's hostname is included in the exported resource title. This ensures that each exported resource is unique.

The main sentry class includes sentry::server::collect, which collects all of the exported sentry::source::project resources from our application servers, based on env. We have separate Sentry instances for production, testing, etc, so each Sentry server will only collect the sentry::source::projects that are appropriate for its environment.

The sentry::source::project is instantiated based on the project parameter. Remember, the resource title is unique, by hostname, but the parameters need not be. The Sentry server executes a simple Python script to create the project. This script creates a file named after the project, containing the Sentry DSN for that project.

These DSN files can optionally be exposed via Apache in sentry::wsgi. This allows an application server to automatically look up the DSNs for each of its applications via a custom fact. For an example of such a custom fact, see the examples directory.

Modules we use


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Copyright 2015 CoverMyMeds and released under the terms of the MIT License.