A modified version of Quest++ (Specia et al, 2015)1 for use in evaluation of simultaneous interpreter performance
For a full explanation of Quest++ and relevant installation instructions and tutorials please refer to https://www.quest.dcs.shef.ac.uk
Addition of the following files:
/config/config.sentence-level_es_sim_interp.properties as an example modification of existing sentence level configuration for use with interpreter features
/config/features/features_sim_interp.xml being the feature configuration file reflecting the experimental setup in Stewart et al (2018)2
src/shef/mt/features/impl/bb/Feature[7001-7007].java representing the individual implemented features
Modifications to src/shef/mt/features/tools/SentenceLevelProcessorFactory.java to reflect new feature implementation
1Lucia Specia, Gustavo Henrique Paetzold and Carolina Scarton (2015): Multi-level Translation Quality Prediction with QuEst++. In the Proceedings of ACL-IJCNLP 2015 System Demonstrations, Beijing, China, pp. 115-120.
2Craig Stewart, Nikolai Vogler, Junjie Hu, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Graham Neubig (2018): Automatic Estimation of Simultaneous Interpreter Performance. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Melbourne, Australia. July 2018 (To Appear).