This is an example of how to organize and manage an application that targets the browser as an application runtime. It will probably be helpful if you think of this as any client application you'd write for other application runtimes: iOS, Android, Mac, Window, etc.
I took the Ember.js version of the TodoMVC, made the code more idiomatic to Ember patterns, updated it to the latest development realease of Ember, and wrapped it in a build tool process to address a number of annoyances with building browser applications.
- ember-brunch - An Ember.js brunch skeleton with mocha-phantomjs tests
This project is managed with git. There are some files that don't need to be checked into version control.
Development dependencies - specifically the node_modules folder. Locally, you'll need something to help you manage development. Think of these like a C compiler, make file, etc for building applications whose deployment target is different than the development environment. In this project I'm using node, but you could really use any programming language that you're familiar with: ruby, python, Java – your call.
I picked node for a one reason: I can't guarantee you'll know a language other than JavaScript.
Granted, I can't guarantee you'll be familiar with the node environment either, but at the very least I'm fairly certain you know JavaScript and that lowers the barrier a bit.
Concatenated or Compiled files – specifically
and the contents ofdependencies/compiled/
is where local template files (in Handlebars format) are written after they've been compiled into
is the concatenated output of the the build process(including the files inside of
This project uses JSHint for
[linting](\)) to enforce some coding
standards and avoid common programming mistakes (like missing var
causing variables to leak into the global scope). These settings are stored as a
dot file so that while developing you can connect the project standards into
your editor of choice and when building for deployment this file can be used by
the build process and deployment can be stopped if it fails the linting process.
I'm using node locally to aid the development process. Mostly this file is used in development to track development dependencies and allow other developers to quickly set up a development environment to get started.
I picked node because I can't guarantee you'll know a language other than JavaScript. Granted, I can't guarantee you'll be familiar with the node environment either, but at the very least I'm fairly certain you know JavaScript and that lowers the barrier a bit. If you or your team is more familiar with another language, feel free to use a build process in that language.
A build process doesn't need to be in the same language as your server application(s). My current client application project at work talks to five internal services at Groupon. We develop the UI entirely in isolation from these services and use Ruby as a build tool. The services happen to be a mix of C, Java, and Ruby. The UI is deployed on top of nginx as just a few files.
In fact, even if your client application only talks to one server application and you're the developer for both I don't recommend you try to integrate them by having the server application double as a build process. I personally find it easier to reason about each application and write clean, decoupled code when the two applications are kept apart.
Grunt provides the structure to organize tasks for actively developing, testing, and deploying this application. If you want to read more about these, crack open this file - it's also heavily commented.
This file. You're reading it.
The external libraries required to run the application: Ember, Handlebars, and jQuery. I could have used a tool like Bower to track and install these but am not. No particular reason for that.
During the development you can crack this open to play around with the running application. It includes parts of the display not managed by Ember and the necessary HTML elements to load the application's resources: a single javascript file and a single css file.
It've found it immensely helpful to think of this as a kind of main.c
Copied directly from the TodoMVC project. These
are static resources downloaded via the browsers through the browser's
and <script>
tags when someone opens build/index.html
in a browser.
If you've just checked this project out you'll notice
there is no application.js
file but one is referenced in build/index.html
(which is a bit like your project's main.c
) with <script src="application.js"></script>
. application.js
is file that will be compiled
(and place here) as part of the build process in development and deployment. You
don't want this file under version control.
This is where the actual code of your browser application lives. The
application is also heavily commented. Start reading at app/app.js
and work
your way through.
Er. Yes. Nothing here yet.
You will need node installed as a development dependency. See node's site for help with that.
One you have node installed run
npm install -g grunt-cli
To install the grunt task execution script available g
lobally. Depending on how you
installed node on your system, you may need to use sudo
to run this command.
Next, from this project folder run
npm install
This will install the development dependencies listed in the package.json
and store them in locally in node_modules/
. You won't need sudo
is not tracked by version control.
Once all the development dependencies are installed you can start the development tasks with
Which will build development versions of your application and start watching
for any changes. See Gruntfile.js
for a deeper dive into what happens here.
Now you can open build/index.html
in a browser.