#Jurassic-Coffee ####.NET compiler for .coffee files using coffee-script.js & Jurassic ####Embedding of local or external .js or .coffee files
###1. install as a Nuget package: Download and install Nuget if you do not allready have it.
- Installs as a single JurassicCoffee.dll
- Adds a *.coffee HttpHandler to you web.config if you have one
>> Install-Package jurassic-coffee
make sure to add the following if you are installing into a MVC application : Anujb
###2. download and build it from source Always nice to have the latest version
###3. Download a pre-built binary note that it may be be an older version than that from source
var compiler = new CoffeeCompiler();
includes desired coffee file into the compilation
sayhello = (name)-> alert name
#= require sayhello.coffee
sayhello 'charles'
embeds desired javascript file.
Important: The js file path must be enclosed in the special single quote.
#= require `./js/common.min.js`
#= require `./jquery-1.6.1.min.js`
$(document).ready ->
message = "JurassicCoffee!"
h1 = $(document.createElement 'h1')
h1.text message
$('body').prepend h1
files can be loaded via http(s)
additional require statements in files loaded in this manner will not be evaluated
#= require `https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.2/swfobject.js`
You can add a coffeescript compilation step to any Visual Studio project, including the free Visual Studio Express edition, via simple Build Events.
Before you start, make sure you have the following information to hand:
- The path to the JurassicCoffee.Console.exe (this will probably be inside you solution or in a nuget folder)
- The path(s) to you coffee files. JurassicCoffee allows you to specify either directories or individual files.
The Build Event below first changes directory (CD) to the location of the JurassicCoffee.Console.exe. It then calls the exe specifying the full path of the coffee file to be compiled. The compiled output will be an uncompressed javascript file placed in the same folder and named hello.js.
CD "$(SolutionDir)Tools\JurassicCoffee"
CALL JurassicCoffee.Console.exe "$(ProjectDir)coffee\hello.coffee"
This example calls the exe specifying the full path of a Directory containing multiple coffee files. Each file will be compiled and compressed with the output placed in the same folder and named *.min.js.
CD "$(SolutionDir)Tools\JurassicCoffee"
CALL JurassicCoffee.Console.exe "$(ProjectDir)coffee -c"
This example specifies a Directory of coffee files and an Output Directory. Each compiled and compressed file will be placed into the Output Directory and named *.min.js.
CD "$(SolutionDir)Tools\JurassicCoffee"
CALL JurassicCoffee.Console.exe "$(ProjectDir)coffee" -c -o "$(ProjectDir)js"
JurassicCoffee.exe script.coffee //compiles into script.js
JurassicCoffee.exe script.coffee -o out.js //compiles into out.js
JurassicCoffee.exe script.coffee -c //YUI Compression enabled
JurassicCoffee.exe script.coffee -e coffee-script.nighlty.version.js //compile using custom version of coffee-script
- Compiles .coffee files into .js files
- Keeps track of .coffee and compiled .js files and only re-compiles when files are added, deleted or changed
- Keeps track of included files from "#= require" sprockets and re-compiles on changes
configuration section
<section name="jurassic.coffee" type="JurassicCoffee.Web.Configuration.ConfigurationHandler, JurassicCoffee.Web"/>
<!--enable/disable YUI compression-->
<!--compiled .js output directory-->
<!--disabled compression and adds debug information to compiled files-->
http handler section
<add type="JurassicCoffee.Web.JurassicCoffeeHttpHandler,JurassicCoffee.Web" validate="false" path="*.coffee" verb="*" />
make sure to add the following if you have a MVC application : Anujb
var compiler = new JurassicCoffee.Core.Compiler();
//Compile test.coffee into test.js
//Compiles coffeescript string into a javascript string
var javascriptString = compiler.CompileString("helloworld -> 'hello world'");
//Compiles inputstream into outputstream