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Crobox SDK for iOS

Build Status Official Crobox project GitHub Release

This is an asynchronous SDK kit for consuming Crobox API for iOS applications, written in Swift.

First add the dependency to your project:


Swift Package Manager

// swift-tools-version:4.0
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "{{ latest_version }}"),


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Crobox into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

 pod 'croboxSDK', '~> 1.0.32'

Start using Crobox SDK

First configure and create a Crobox singleton as:

Crobox.shared.initConfig(config: CroboxConfig(containerId: "xlhvci", visitorId: UUID.init(), localeCode: .en_US))

RequestQueryParams contains page specific parameters, shared by all requests sent from the same page/view. It must be recreated when the page/view is displayed.

let detailPageParams = RequestQueryParams.init(viewId: UUID(), pageType : .PageDetail, customProperties: ["test":"test"])

For sending events, use the xyzEvent APIs exposed by the Crobox instance. Events might also take event specific parameters:

var addCartQueryParams = CartQueryParams(productId: "abc")
addCartQueryParams.price = 2.0
addCartQueryParams.quantity = 3
Crobox.shared.addCartEvent(queryParams: detailPageParams, addCartQueryParams: addCartQueryParams)

For retrieving promotions for zero, one or more products, use the specific PlaceholderId that was already configured with specific page types and linked to campaigns via Crobox Admin App.

        let result = await Crobox.shared.promotions(placeholderId: "1",
                                                    queryParams: overviewPageParams,
                                                    productIds: ["1", "2", "3"])
        switch result {
        case let .success(p):
            print("id: \(p.promotions[2].id ?? "")")
            print("campaignId: \(String(describing: p.promotions[2].campaignId))")
            print("productId: \(p.promotions[2].productId ?? "")")
            print("variantId: \(p.promotions[2].variantId ?? -1)")
            print(" \(p.promotions[2].content?.id ?? "")")
            print("content.config: \(p.promotions[2].content?.config?.data ?? [:])")
        case let .failure(error):

Promotion Response Schema

        let result = await Crobox.shared.promotions(placeholderId: "1",
                                                    queryParams: overviewPageParams,
                                                    productIds: ["1", "2", "3"])
        switch result {
        case let .success(response):
            let context = response.context
            let promotions = response.promotions
            let visitorId = context.visitorId
            let sessionId = context.sessionId
            let groupName = context.groupName
            for campaign in context.campaigns {
                let campaignId =
                let campaignName =
                let variantId = campaign.variantId
                let variantName = campaign.variantName
                let control = campaign.control
            for promotion in response.promotions {
                let promotionId =
                let campaignId = promotion.campaignId
                let variantId = promotion.variantId
                let productId = promotion.productId
                if let content = promotion.content {
                    let messageId = content.messageId
                    let componentName = content.componentName
                    let configMap = content.config
                    for c in configMap {
                        let configKey = c.key
                        let configValue = c.value
                    let imageBadge = content.getImageBadge()
                    let textBadge = content.getTextBadge()
                    let conf = p.content?.contentConfig()
                    switch conf {
                    case let conf as ImageBadge:
                        let image = conf.image
                        let altText = conf.altText
                    case let conf as TextBadge:
                        let text = conf.text
                        let fontColor = conf.fontColor ?? ""
                        let background = conf.backgroundColor ?? ""
                        let borderColor = conf.borderColor ?? ""

                        let fontUIColor = conf.fontUIColor() ?? UIColor.clear
                        let backgroundUIColor = conf.backgroundUIColor() ?? UIColor.clear
                        let borderUIColor = conf.borderUIColor() ?? UIColor.clear

                    case let conf as SecondaryMessaging:
                        let text = conf.text
                        let fontColor = conf.fontColor ?? ""
                        let fontUIColor = conf.fontUIColor() ?? UIColor.clear

        case let .failure(error):


Name Type Description
context PromotionContext The context about campaigns
promotions List The list of promotions calculated


Name Type Description
sessionId UUID Session ID
visitorId UUID Visitor ID
groupName String? The list of campaign and variant names, combined
campaigns List The list of ongoing campaigns


Name Type Description
id String Campaign ID
name String Campaign Name
variantId String There is a ratio that determines the amount of traffic exposed to this campaign (or is allocated to the control group) between Crobox and Control group. Variant id refers to the variant which this promotion belongs to and is used for debugging
variantName String Name of the Campaign Variant
control Boolean Indicates if the variant is allocated to the control group


Name Type Description
id String Unique id for this promotion
productId String? Product ID if requested
campaignId Int The campaign which this promotion belongs to
variantId Int ID of the variant that this promotion is assigned to
content PromotionContent? Promotion Content


Name Type Description
messageId String As Campaigns might have alternative messages, Message Id identifies the message assigned to this promotion
component String Component Name
config Map<String, String> Map of all visual configuration items, managed via Crobox Admin app.
Map("Text1_text" : "Best Seller", "Text1_color" : "#0e1111")
getTextBadge TextBadge? Returns a Text Badge if a text component exists with the following pre-defined keys: "text", "fontColor", "backgroundColor" and "borderColor"
getImageBadge ImageBadge? Returns an Image Badge if an image component exists with the following pre-defined keys: "image" and "altText"
contentConfig PromotionContentConfig Returns either an Image Badge, a Text Badge or a Secondary Messaging component


Name Type Description
text String Text message
fontColor String Font color
backgroundColor String? Optional background color
borderColor String? Optional border color


Name Type Description
image String Image url
altText String? Alternate text

Secondary Messaging

Name Type Description
text String Text message
fontColor String Font color


See test snippet for various samples