evo fun by Cromlyn Games based off the Stos Valley work here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StosValley/comments/39p172/stos_valley_the_game/
Currently: draws random monster, checks if it is a good drawing, repeats until it is. Then it mutates it, checks if the offspring is a good drawing, repeats until it is. Then the two are evaluated against each other with the stronger being kept. This repeats for a user specified number of generations and numbers.
Done: basic monster drawing
basic random monster maker
Culler on the monster maker that reports any bad designs
export looper to allow user specced number of examples to be drawn in one operation
Details added for eye, mouth, claws
Detail drawing: fangs, horns, stripes
Detail culler - eg if mouth lower than toes kill it.
powers drawing: fire, ice, elec, light, dark, poison
enviro checks and scoring
evolution checks and scoring
FANTASY FOODWEB TODO - duplicate the herbivore checks for the carnivores and producers