## GWT
GWT is the official open source project for GWT releases 2.5 and onwards.
In this document you have some quick instructions to build the SDK from source code and to run its tests.
For a more detailed documentation visit our web site. If you are interested in contributing with the project, please read the Making GWT better section.
In order to build GWT,
are required in your system. -
Optional: if you want to compile elemental you need
installed. -
You need the gwt-tools checked out and up-to-date, and it will be placed by default at
. You can override the default location using the GWT_TOOLS environment variable or passing-Dgwt.tools=
argument to ant.Note: that you need
to checkoutgwt-tools
To create the SDK distribution files run:
$ ant clean elemental dist-dev
or if you don't have
just run$ ant clean dist-dev
Then you will get all
files in the folderbuild/lib
and the redistributable file will be:build/dist/gwt-0.0.0.zip
if you want to specify a different version number run:
$ ant elemental clean dist-dev -Dgwt.version=x.x.x
To compile everything including examples you have to run
$ ant clean elemental dist
In GWT we have some conventions so as all code written by contributors look similar being easier to review.
After you make any modification, run this command to compile everything including tests, to check APIs, and to verify code style. It shouldn't take longer than 3-4 minutes.
$ ant compile.tests apicheck checkstyle -Dprecompile.disable=true
Previously to run any test you have to set some environment variables to guarantee that they are run in the same conditions for all developers.
In a Unix like platform you can use the
command:$ export TZ=America/Los_Angeles ANT_OPTS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
But in Windows™ you have to set the time-zone in your control panel, and the environment variables using the command
. -
Finally you can run all test suites with the following command, but be prepared because it could take hours, and probably it would fail because of timeouts, etc.
$ ant test
Thus, you might want to run only certain tests so as you can focus on checking the modifications you are working on.
GWT build scripts use specific ant tasks and a bunch of system properties listed in the following table to specify which tests to run and how.
For instance to run the task
in the moduleuser
you have to change to theuser
folder and runant
with the task as argument, adding any other property with the-D
flag:$ ( cd user && ant test -Dtest.emma.htmlunit.disable=true ; cd .. )
Module Task Property to skip dev test test.dev.disable codeserver test test.codeserver.disable user test test.user.disable user test.nongwt test.nongwt.disable user test.dev.htmlunit test.dev.htmlunit.disable user test.web.htmlunit test.web.htmlunit.disable user test.draft.htmlunit test.draft.htmlunit.disable user test.nometa.htmlunit test.nometa.htmlunit.disable user test.emma.htmlunit test.emma.htmlunit.disable user test.coverage.htmlunit test.coverage.htmlunit.disable user test.dev.selenium test.dev.selenium.disable user test.web.selenium test.web.selenium.disable user test.draft.selenium test.draft.selenium.disable user test.nometa.selenium test.nometa.selenium.disable user test.emma.selenium test.emma.selenium.disable requestfactory test elemental test elemental test.nongwt elemental test.dev.htmlunit elemental test.web.htmlunit tools test Additionally you can utilize some variables to filter which test to run in each task:
Module Task Properties Default dev/core test gwt.junit.testcase.dev.core.includes **/com/google/**/*Test.class
| | gwt.junit.testcase.dev.core.excludes |
user | test | gwt.junit.testcase.includes |
user | test.nongwt | gwt.nongwt.testcase.includes |**/*JreSuite.class
| | gwt.nongwt.testcase.excludes | user | test.web.* test.draft.* test.nometa.* | gwt.junit.testcase.web.includes |**/*Suite.class
| | gwt.junit.testcase.web.excludes |**/*JsInteropSuite.class,**/*JreSuite.class,***/OptimizedOnly*
user | test.dev.* test.emma.* | gwt.junit.testcase.dev.includes |**/*Suite.class
| | gwt.junit.testcase.dev.excludes |**/*JsInteropSuite.class,**/*JreSuite.class,***/OptimizedOnly*
Run all tests in dev
$ ( cd dev && ant test ; cd .. )
Note: that the last `cd ..' is only needed in Windows.
There is another option to do the same but without changing to the module folder. We have to specify the module as the ant task, and the task as a target argument.
$ ant dev -Dtarget=test
Run all tests in codeserver
$ ( cd dev/codeserver && ant test )
$ ant codeserver -Dtarget=test -Dtest.dev.disable=true
Note: that we disable dev tests because code server depends on dev and we don`t want to run its tests.
Run all tests in elemental:
$ ( cd elemental && ant test.nongwt )
$ ant elemental -Dtarget=test -Dtest.dev.disable=true -Dtest.user.disable=true
Note: that we have to disable dev and user tests because elemental depends on both.
Run all tests in tools
$ ant tools -Dtarget=test -Dtest.dev.disable=true -Dtest.user.disable=true
Run only the JsniRefTest in dev
$ ant dev -Dtarget=test \ -Dgwt.junit.testcase.dev.core.includes="**/JsniRefTest.class"
Run a couple of tests in dev
$ ant dev -Dtarget=test \ -Dgwt.junit.testcase.dev.core.includes="**/JsniRefTest.class,**/JsParserTest.class"
Note: that you have to use regular expressions separated by comma to select the test classes to execute.
Run all Jre tests in user, they should take not longer than 3min. We have two ways to run them. Although the second case is more complex it is here to know how disable properties work.
$ ( cd user && ant test.nongwt )
$ ant user -Dtarget=test -Dtest.dev.disable=true \ -Dtest.dev.htmlunit.disable=true \ -Dtest.web.htmlunit.disable=true \ -Dtest.coverage.htmlunit.disable=true \ -Dtest.dev.selenium.disable=true \ -Dtest.draft.htmlunit.disable=true \ -Dtest.draft.selenium.disable=true \ -Dtest.emma.htmlunit.disable=true \ -Dtest.emma.selenium.disable=true \ -Dtest.nometa.htmlunit.disable=true \ -Dtest.nometa.selenium.disable=true \ -Dtest.web.selenium.disable=true
Note: that we have to set all disable variables but
Run certain Jre tests in the user module.
$ ( cd user && ant test.nongwt -Dgwt.nongwt.testcase.includes="**/I18NJreSuite.class" )
Run all GWT tests in user using htmlunit in dev mode.
$ ( cd user && ant test.dev.htmlunit )