A simple map embed and interface for editing. Built for integration with the Moabi Platform. Pretty light weight all around.
View the rendered map at http://crowdcover.github.io/congo-green-citizen/
Edit the map using geojson.io. See below for editing instructions.
- Navigate to geojson.io to edit the geojson data file.
- If you are not logged in automatically, click login again in the upper right and enter your github login credentials.
- Open your geojson data file: click Open > GitHub > crowdcover > congo-green-citizen > gh-pages > data.geojson.
- Clicking data.geojson should open the geojson file and display all point data. If it doesn't display at first, refresh the page.
- To view the attribute table of each feature, click Table.
- each row represents one feature
- each field in a row represents an attribute of that feature
- click + new column to add another field
- To add a new point, click on the draw a marker button
- Lines, Squares, and Polygons can also be added to the map
- Once you've updated the geographic data, click Save.
- Note: click directly on the save button; do not on any of the dropdown options (GitHub, Gist, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, ...)
- Add a short commit message describing what you did
- A yellow popup will confirm that the edits are committed to the github file