Find an open spot in a coffee shop near you
Crowded is a responsive web app created by three talented Full-Stack Software Engineers: Adam Behrens, Bo Yao and Ian Stinson. Our mission is to make this an interactive crowd source app for the local Community of San Francisco.
Check us now at
##Technology Stack
simply login using your favorite social network credential and click Find Cafe to locate an open spot near you!
For this porject, we are using webpack to bundle and build our react code base. We use bable to transplie the ES6 javascript, and webpack watch on the server. For developement purpose, run localhost at port 8080.
First fork the project repo from Git Repo
Then clone the project to your local machine.
For help please click Here
To install the project dependency, from your root directory, run:
npm install
- To build and compile files, from your root directory, run:
npm run devBuild
- To run dev server, from your root directory, run:
npm run dev
- Server will be listening on port 8080
protocol: http
port: 8080
We are a team of 3 full-stack sfotware engineers passionate about all aspects of software development. If you are interested in the project please feel feel to contact us via email or just check out our Github Profile
- Adam Behrens
- Bo Yao
- Ian Stinson [](mailto:
"Distributed under the MIT License."