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Shared TSLint & codelyzer rules to enforce a consistent code style for Angular development


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Shared TSLint & codelyzer rules to enforce a consistent code style for Angular development

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The value of the software produced is directly affected by the quality of the codebase, and not every developer might

  • be aware of the potential pitfalls of certain constructions in TypeScript,
  • be introduced into certain conventions when using the Angular framework,
  • know that not every developer is as capable in understanding an elegant (but abstract) solution as the original developer.

For that purpose, we need to use static code analysis tools such as TSLint and codelyzer to check readability, maintainability, and functionality errors.

Although complying with these tools may seem to appear as undesired overhead or may limit creativity, it becomes easier for any new developers to read, preventing a lot of time/frustration spent figuring out the structure and characteristics of the code.

Containing a set of TSLint and codelyzer rules, angular-tslint-rules has been compiled using many contributions from colleagues, commercial/open-source projects and some other sources from the Internet, as well as years of development using the Angular framework.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, just create an issue on this repository. I'll try to revise and republish these rules with new insights, experiences and remarks in alignment with the updates on TSLint and codelyzer.

Note: The following set of rules depend on:

Table of contents:

Getting started


You can install angular-tslint-rules using npm

npm install angular-tslint-rules --save

Note: You should have already installed TSLint and codelyzer.


To use these TSLint rules, use configuration inheritance via the extends keyword.

A sample configuration is shown below, where tslint.json lives adjacent to your node_modules folder:

  "rulesDirectory": [
  "extends": ["angular-tslint-rules"],
  "rules": {
    // override tslint rules here


Class and Member design

  • Do not use classes unless required.
"no-unnecessary-class": [
  • Do not specify the public keyword (this is the default accessibility level).
  • private and private static members in classes should be denoted with the private keyword.
"member-access": [
  • Member ordering should be in the following way:
    • Public members should be ordered before private members.
    • Static members should be ordered before instance members.
    • Variables should be ordered before functions.
"member-ordering": [
  • Member overloads should be consecutive.
"adjacent-overload-signatures": true
  • Always prefer unifying any two overloads into one, by using a union or an optional/rest parameter.
"unified-signatures": true
  • Always prefer functions over private members that do not use this.
"prefer-function-over-method": [
  • Do not use the this keyword outside class context (including functions in methods).
"no-invalid-this": [
  • Do not invoke the super method twice in a constructor (except in branched statements or nested class constructors).
"no-duplicate-super": true
  • Always prefer parentheses () when invoking a constructor via the new keyword.
"new-parens": true
  • Do not define new for classes.
"no-misused-new": true
  • Do not use the constructors of String, Number, and Boolean.
"no-construct": true

Interface design

  • Do not define constructors for interfaces.

See: Class and Member design

  • Do not use empty interfaces.
"no-empty-interface": true
  • Always prefer foo(): void over foo: () => void in interfaces and types.
"prefer-method-signature": true
  • Always prefer an interface declaration over a type literal (type T = { ... }).
"interface-over-type-literal": true

Function design

  • Functions should be defined right after the variable declarations.

See: Class and Member design

  • Do not invoke arguments.callee within a function, as it makes impossible various performance optimizations.
"no-arg": true

Anonymous functions

  • Always prefer defining anonymous functions as fat-arrow/lambda () => { } functions (unless it is absolutely necessary to preserve the context in the function body).
"only-arrow-functions": [
  • fat-arrow/lambda functions should have parenthesis () around the function parameters (except if removing them is allowed by TypeScript).
"arrow-parens": [
  • Always prefer () => x over () => { return x; }.
"arrow-return-shorthand": true

Async functions

  • Do not use the unnecessary return await.
"no-return-await": true

Variable design

  • Always prefer const keyword where appropriate, for values that should never change.
  • Then prefer let everywhere else.
  • Do not use the var keyword.
"prefer-const": true
  • Do not use implied global variables.
  • Do not define a variable on the global scope from within a smaller scope.
"no-shadowed-variable": true
  • Declare one variable at a time (except in loops).
"one-variable-per-declaration": [
  • Do not use duplicate variable names in the same block scope.
"no-duplicate-variable": [
  • Do not use a var/let statement or destructuring initializer to be initialized to undefined.
"no-unnecessary-initializer": true

Requires and Imports

  • Do not import modules that are not listed as a dependency in the project's package.json.
"no-implicit-dependencies": true
  • Always use the import statement keywords in alphabetical order.
"ordered-imports": [
    "import-sources-order": "any",
    "named-imports-order": "case-insensitive",
    "grouped-imports": true
  • Always use a single import statement per module.
"no-duplicate-imports": true
  • Always import submodules from rxjs.
"import-blacklist": [
  • Do not use require statements at all (use ES6-style import statement instead).
"no-require-imports": true
  • Do not use default exports in ES6-style modules.
"no-default-export": true
  • Do not use /// <reference path=> imports statements at all (use ES6-style import statement instead).
"no-reference": true


  • Always prefer defining the return type of functions, methods and property declarations explicitly.
  • Types should be used whenever necessary (no implicit any).
"typedef": [
  • Always prefer type inference over explicit type declaration (except for function return types).
"no-inferrable-types": true
  • Always prefer the use of as Type for type assertions over <Type>.
"no-angle-bracket-type-assertion": true
  • Always prefer writing an interface or literal type with just a call signature as a function type.
"callable-types": true
  • Do not use the null keyword, always return undefined instead of a null reference.
"no-null-keyword": true
  • Do not use non-null assertions.
"no-non-null-assertion": true
  • Arrays should be defined as Array<type> instead of type[].
"array-type": [


  • Always prefer ES6 object spread operator whenever possible.
"prefer-object-spread": true
  • Always prefer ES6 object literal shorthand whenever possible.
"object-literal-shorthand": true
  • Always prefer object property names using literals whenever possible.
"object-literal-key-quotes": [


  • Always prefer single-quotes '' for all strings, and use double-quotes "" for strings within strings.
"quotemark": [
  • Always prefer template expressions over string literal concatenation.
"prefer-template": true
  • Do not use string templates outside template strings (``).
"no-invalid-template-strings": true


  • Always prefer using === and !== operators whenever possible.

== and != operators do type coercion, which can lead to headaches when debugging code.

"triple-equals": [
  • In a binary expression, a literal should always be on the right-hand side.
"binary-expression-operand-order": true
  • Do not use bitwise operators.
"no-bitwise": true
  • Always prefer using isNan function to check NaN references.
"use-isnan": true
  • Assignment expressions inside of the condition block of if, while, and do while statements should be avoided.
"no-conditional-assignment": true

Conditional statements

  • Always prefer conditional expression over a standard if statement.
"prefer-conditional-expression": [

for statement

  • Always prefer for-of loop over a standard for loop.
"prefer-for-of": true
  • Filter for-in statements with an if statement (this prevents accidental iteration over properties inherited from an object???s prototype).
"forin": true

switch statement

  • Each switch statement should have a default case.
"switch-default": true
  • Each switch case except default should end with break, return, or throw.
"no-switch-case-fall-through": true
  • Do not use duplicate switch cases.
"no-duplicate-switch-case": true

try statement

  • Do not use control flow statements, such as return, continue, break and throws in finally blocks.
"no-unsafe-finally": true


  • Use UTF-8 encoding.
"encoding": true
  • Limit the level of complexity (cyclomatic complexity) in a function/method by 20 branches.
"cyclomatic-complexity": [
  • Files should not exceed 1500 lines of code.
"max-file-line-count": [true, 1500]
  • Keep the length of each line under 140 characters.
"max-line-length": [
  • Use 2 spaces for indentation.
"indent": [
  • All files should end in a new line.
"eofline": true


Curly braces

Use curly braces as needed.

"curly": [


Whitespaces should be used in the following circumstances:

  • All branching statements (if/else/for/while) should be followed by one space.
  • Variable declarations should be separated by one space around the type specification and equals token.
  • There should be one space between the typecast and its target.
  • All operators except the period ., left parenthesis (, and left bracket [ should be separated from their operands by one space.
  • There should be no space between the unary/incremental operators !x, -x, +x, ~x, ++x, --x and its operand.
  • There should be one space between the type operators |, & and its operand.
  • There should be one space after the left curly brace { and before the right curly brace } containing import statement keywords.
  • Each separator (,,;) in the control part of a for statement should be followed with one space.
  • There should be no space after the rest/spread operator ....
  • The left curly brace { followed by a right parenthesis ) should always separated by one space.
"whitespace": [
  • For each call signature, index signature, parameter, property declaration and variable declaration;
    • There should be no space between the parameter and the colon : indicating the type declaration.
    • There should be one space between the colon : and the type declaration.
"typedef-whitespace": [
    "call-signature": "nospace",
    "index-signature": "nospace",
    "parameter": "nospace",
    "property-declaration": "nospace",
    "variable-declaration": "nospace"
    "call-signature": "onespace",
    "index-signature": "onespace",
    "parameter": "onespace",
    "property-declaration": "onespace",
    "variable-declaration": "onespace"
  • For each function, class member and constructor;
    • There should be no space between the name of the function/member and the left parenthesis ( of its parameter list.
  • For each fat-arrow/lambda function;
    • There should be one space between the right parenthesis ) and the =>.
"space-before-function-paren": [
    "anonymous": "never",
    "named": "never",
    "asyncArrow": "always",
    "method": "never",
    "constructor": "never"
  • There should be no space within parenthesis.
"space-within-parens": 0
  • Put one space between the import statement keywords.
"import-spacing": true
  • Do not use trailing whitespaces at the end of a line
"no-trailing-whitespace": true

Empty lines

Empty lines improve code readability by allowing the developer to logically group code blocks.

  • There should be an empty line before the return statement.
"newline-before-return": true
  • For each function, anonymous function, class member, constructor, else, catch and finally statements;
    • There should be one space between the right parenthesis ) and the left curly { brace that begins the statement body.
  • For each fat-arrow/lambda function;
    • There should be one space between the => and the left curly brace { that begins the statement body.
  • else statements should indented to align with the line containing the closing brace for the if statement.
  • catch and finally statements should indented to align with the line containing the closing brace for the try statement.
"one-line": [
  • Do not use more than one empty line in a row.
"no-consecutive-blank-lines": [


  • A semicolon should be placed at the end of every simple statement (except at the end of bound class methods).
"semicolon": [
  • Vertically align parameters and statements (helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase).
"align": [
  • Always prefer trailing commas in array and object literals, destructuring assignments, function typings, named imports/exports and function parameters.
"trailing-comma": [
    "multiline": "never",
    "singleline": "never",
    "esSpecCompliant": true


Classes and Interfaces

  • Class and interface names should be in PascalCase.
"class-name": true

Variables and Functions

  • All variable, and function names should be in camelCase.
  • Do not use trailing underscore _ characters.
"variable-name": [


Inline Comments

  • Always prefer // for all inline comments.
  • There should be one space before the comment.
"comment-format": [

JSDoc Comments

  • JSDoc comments should start with /** and end with */.
"jsdoc-format": [
  • Do not use redundant JSDoc comments.
"no-redundant-jsdoc": true


  • Do not use the console method (such messages are considered to be for debugging purposes and therefore might ship to the production environment).
"no-console": [
  • Do not use the debugger statement (this might cause the environment to stop execution and start up a debugger, if not omitted on the production code).
"no-debugger": true
  • Do not use the eval function (using eval on untrusted code might open a program up to several different injection attacks).
"no-eval": true
  • Do not throw plain strings or concatenations of strings (because only Errors produce proper stack traces).
"no-string-throw": true
  • Do not use namespaces (using namespace {} is outdated).
"no-namespace": true
  • Do not use internal modules (using module {} is outdated).
"no-internal-module": true
  • Always prefer the radix parameter to be specified when calling parseInt.
"radix": true
  • Do not leave unused expressions in the code.
"no-unused-expression": [
  • Do not use empty blocks {} in the code.
"no-empty": true
  • Do not use missing elements in arrays.
"no-sparse-arrays": true

Codelyzer rules

"angular-whitespace": [
"banana-in-box": true,
"templates-no-negated-async": true,
"directive-selector": [
"component-selector": [
"use-input-property-decorator": true,
"use-output-property-decorator": true,
"use-host-property-decorator": true,
"use-view-encapsulation": true,
"no-attribute-parameter-decorator": true,
"no-input-rename": true,
"no-output-rename": true,
"no-output-on-prefix": true,
"no-forward-ref": true,
"use-life-cycle-interface": true,
"contextual-life-cycle": true,
"trackBy-function": true,
"use-pipe-transform-interface": true,
"pipe-naming": [
"component-class-suffix": true,
"directive-class-suffix": true,
"pipe-impure": true


If you want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation, please read up on the following contribution guidelines:


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017 Burak Tasci


Shared TSLint & codelyzer rules to enforce a consistent code style for Angular development



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