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This Kotlin library provides tools for Cryptr API


See the Cryptr API Reference


Apache Maven


Gradle (Groovy DSL)

dependencies {
    implementation 'co.cryptr:cryptr-kotlin:1.0.0'

Gradle (Kotlin DSL)

dependencies {


import cryptr.kotlin.Cryptr

// if you use system properties you call just init like this
val cryptr = Cryptr()

// You can also specify your cryptr service url
val cryptr = Cryptr(
    accountDomain = "my-account-domain",
    serviceUrl = "",
    apiKeyClientId = "api-key-id",
    apiKeyClientSecret = "api-key-secret"
    defaultRedirectUri = "https://my-redirect-ri"

You can also define your Configuration through System properties

SSO SAML Headless process

This process allows you to generate a challenge to start a SSO SAML authentication process without using a front-end for the entire process

// 1. generate a challenge from any point of your app (requires network) and retrieve authorization URL
val ssoSamlChallengePayload =
        redirectUri = "https://localhost:8080/some-callback-endpoint",
        orgDomain = orgDomain,
        userEmail = userEmail

if (ssoSamlChallengePayload is APISuccess) {
    val authorizationUrl = ssoSamlChallengePayload.value.authorizationUrl

// 2. Give this authorization URL to the end-user (ex: by email or just by a redirection)

// 3. handle the redirection on the chosen enpoint (here '/some-callback-endpoint)
// on this enpoint you get a `code` parameter
val challengeValidation = cryptr.validateSsoChallenge(call.parameters.get("code"))
if (challengeValidation is APISuccess) {
    val endUserAccessToken = challengeValidation.value.accessToken

System property keys

key Required Default value sample value purpose
CRYPTR_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN true None your-account-domain Your Account domain
CRYPTR_SERVICE_URL false Your Cryptr service URL
CRYPTR_DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL https://localhost:8080/callback The URL where to redirect end-user after SSO authent process
CRYPTR_API_KEY_CLIENT_ID true None xxx Your API Key client ID
CRYPTR_API_KEY_CLIENT_SECRET true None xxx Your API Key client Secret