"Walking among three people, I find my teacher among them. I choose that which is good in them and follow it, and that which is bad and change it.”
-- Confucius
All containers are accessible by their name:
(ephemeral - exits after static file gen)backend
(uwsgi instance)redis
Exposed ports are accessible from container to container. These are:
(uwsgi TCP port, used to forward nginx)redis:6379
(redis DB port, used by backend to communicate with redis)
Published ports are accessible from host to container.
is the only such port, which can be reached from localhost:8080
equivalents exist for Docker Desktop
After changes, rebuild the stack:
docker-compose build
Start the full stack:
docker-compose up
Find a running container:
docker ps
Kill a container:
docker kill <container_id>
Get shell in running container:
docker exec -it <container ID> sh
Find an image:
docker images
Start shell in image, INSTEAD of regular entrypoint or CMD:
docker run -it <image ID> sh
Find a data volume:
docker volume ls
Drop shell in data volume (look at what's inside by creating a temporary busybox
docker run -it --rm -v <vol_name>:/vol busybox sh
Bind LOCAL_PORT to CONTAINER_PORT (this can only be done when starting a
Detach container and keep it running in background: -d
Delete cached images:
docker system prune
Create a local redis instance connectable from localhost:6379:
docker run --rm -d -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine
The CI process is triggered upon each change to a branch or to a Pull Request on Github
to trigger the process, you can upload contents from your local branch through git push origin local-branch
To manually trigger the build process, you can go to the bruintutor Travis CI page.
Here there will be a dropdown menu beside more options that looks like:
When trigger build is pressed, this should lead you to a popup that looks like:
Press "Trigger Custom Build" to begin the manually created build process.
Also located at the bruintutor Travis CI page is the history of builds from all the PR requests created in this project. This will give an idea of how the CI process has developed.