This program converts pictures into Unicode text with Ansi colors for display within a terminal. It performs lots of AVX2 optimized math to deliver the best quality on modern terminals with 24-bit color support, e.g. Kitty, Gnome Terminal, CMD.EXE, mintty, mlterm, etc.
Here's how it compares to the previous best, hiptext:
Not so bad considering the original image is:
You just need cc
and convert
on the PATH. Windows users can get that
from Cygwin, MSYS2, or WSL. Mac users can try Homebrew.
On Windows/msys2:
pacman -S msys/gcc mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-imagemagick
export PATH=$PATH:/mingw64/bin/
On Debian and Ubuntu:
apt-get install build-essential imagemagick
Then run:
./derasterize.c samples/lemur.png