- KTU - CS333
Creation of a database using DDL commands and writes DQL queries to retrieve information from the database.
Performing DML commands like Insertion, Deletion, Modifying, Altering, and Updating records based on conditions.
Creating relationship between the databases.
Creating a database to set various constraints.
Practice of SQL TCL commands like Rollback, Commit, Savepoint.
Practice of SQL DCL commands for granting and revoking user privileges.
Creation of Views and Assertions.
Implementation of Build in functions in RDBMS.
Implementation of various aggregate functions in SQL.
Implementation of Order By, Group By& Having clause.
Implementation of set operators, nested queries and Join queries.
Implementation of various control structures using PL/SQL.
Creation of Procedures and Functions.
Creation of Packages.
Creation of database Triggers and Cursors.
Practice various front-end tools and report generation.
Creating Forms and Menus.
Mini project (Application Development using Oracle/ MySQL using Database connectivity).
- Inventory Control System.
- Material Requirement Processing.
- Hospital Management System.
- Railway Reservation System.
- Personal Information System.
- Web Based User Identification System.
- Timetable Management System.
- Hotel Management System.