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Stephanie Leclerc edited this page Apr 13, 2019 · 3 revisions

Guide view

Add new section

To add a new section, click on the + Add section button. You'll be PPP (Promptly Prompted with a Prompt).



To create a new section, select the type that you want from the drop down menu. Click on Save to add a section to your guide or click on x to cancel.

Edit items to bring

If you click on the edit button, you'll be PPP (Promptly Prompted with a Prompt). Then, you can add or delete items from the list.


To add an item, you can click on + Add item to bring.


Fill the new item to bring. Click on + Add to add your item to the list or Cancel to return to the list without adding a new item. To delete an item, click on the trash icon. When you're done editing, click on Save to save your changes.

Edit Transportation

If you click on the edit button, you'll be PPP (Promptly Prompted with a Prompt). Then, you can change the information about the transportation for the event, the hotel and school address and the link for the display of your image explaining the main directions to get from the hotel to the school.


To save your changes, use the Save button and to cancel your changes, use the x button.

Edit hotel

If you click on the edit button, you'll be PPP(Promptly Prompted with a Prompt).


You can change the information about the hotel (name, followed by the address) and the coordinates (zoom on map, latitude, longitude). Once you're done, you can use the Save button to save your changes or use the x button to cancel your changes.

Edit school

If you click on the edit button, you'll be PPP(Promptly Prompted with a Prompt).


You can change the information about the school (name, followed by the address) and the coordinates (zoom on map, latitude, longitude). Once you're done, you can use the Save button to save your changes or use the x button to cancel your changes.

Edit School map

If you click on the edit button, you'll be PPP(Promptly Prompted with a Prompt).


You can link the website that contains your school map and edit the link of your images. To add another image of a school map, simply click on the + Add school map button.


Add the link of your new image. Click on the Add + to add that image to the list. To delete an image, use the trash can icon on the right. To save your changes, click on the Save button. To cancel, click on the x button.

Edit parking

If you click on the edit button, you'll be PPP(Promptly Prompted with a Prompt).


On the basic coordinates, you first have to choose the zoom on your map and then the latitude and longitude. Then, if you want to precisely show where the parkings are located, you can add markers to your map. To do so, click on the + Add marker button.


To add a marker, set the latitude and longitude and then click on the Add + button. To remove a marker, use the trash can icon. To save your changes, use the Save button and to cancel, use the x button.

Edit restaurant

If you click on the edit button, you'll be PPP(Promptly Prompted with a Prompt).


On the map default position, you first have to choose the zoom on your map and then the latitude and longitude. If you want to precisely show where the restaurants are located, you can add restaurants to your map. To do so, click on the + Add restaurant button.


To add a restaurant, set the name, latitude and longitude and then click on the Add + button. To remove a marker, use the trash can icon. To save your changes, use the Save button and to cancel, use the x button.

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