Web app built with Java and Spring Boot framework. Allows users to update a database about cheeses.
The app must meet several requirements:
- List all cheeses
- List all menus
- List all categories
- Edit all cheeses
- Edit all menus
- Display the homepage after addition of new cheese
- Include a menu bar with available commands
- User goes to the homepage and views a list of cheeses stored in database.
- User can add a new cheese into the database.
- User can view all current cheese categories and create a new category.
- User creates a new menu and can add cheeses to the menu.
- "/cheese" - GET: Display list of all cheeses.
- "/cheese/add" - GET & POST: Display form for users to add a new cheese with a name, description, and category.
- "/cheese/remove" - GET: Display list of all cheeses in checkbox list form. Users can select which cheeses to remove.
- "/category" - GET: Display list of all current categories and a link to add a new category.
- "/category/add" - GET & POST: Display form for user to add new category.
- "/menu" - GET: Displaylist of all current menus and a link to add a new menu.
- "/menu/add" - GET & POST: Display form for user to add new menu.
- "/menu/view/n" - GET: Display list of all cheeses for specified menu.
- "/menu/add-item/n" - GET: Display dropdown menu of all cheeses and allows user to add a specific cheese to the menu.