Author : Cameron Thacker - University of Delaware
- Blackjack
- Display current time on Raspberry Pi Sense Hat [24 Hour clock]
- Display current weather forecast on Raspberry Pi Sense Hat
- Display name given on Raspberry Pi Sense Hat
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Number Guessing Game
- Set a Timer with a reminder message
- Implementation of Translator with Menu displaying all available translators, format of call is 'python3 menu' to display menu and "python3 <translator> '<message>'"
- Full Implementation of Sense-Hat Python API module called SenseHat
- Hello World script which display rotates 90 degrees every iteration on the Raspberry Pi Sense Hat
- Checkers
- Etch-A-Sketch
- Poker
- Blackjack
- War
- Train (Linked List)
- Library Implemenation (Linked list, sorting linked list, adding attributes onto node before appending onto list)
- Stack implementation
- Queue implementation
- School implementation (Linked List with strings as values, instead of integers)
- Dog Game (Move a player throughout a forest entering the commands up(u),down(d),left(l),right(r) avoiding traps and trying to reach the end point[E] without running out of strength
- Implementation of Shapes properties (area,surface area, volume, etc)
- Implementation of mock data structure of a city - school relationship
- Implementation of Zoo structure, animal class that the animal type of Zoo inherits Zebra.cpp --> ZebraZoo.cpp
- Implementation of Library structure, Book class containing name and information, and library containing an array of Books
- Implementation of One,Two,Three,Four Dimensional pointer arrays
- Implementation of Linked List (Singly, Doubly)
- Implementation of Stack
- Implementation of Othello game
- Zombie Survival Implementation
- Generate N prime numbers implementation
Checkers functionality:
- Implement double move for pieces
- Implement ability to move backwards and forwards between each team's pieces
Poker functionality:
- Implement input and output functionality
- Refine print statement (ones which display hand display twice)