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What is Docker Compose?

Who Am I?

Christopher Taylor ~ @ctttttttttt

How Can I Use This?

What is Docker Compose (c) by Chris Taylor

What is Docker Compose is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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0 background

  • To "get" the following, it helps to know:

    • How to write software (duh).
    • How to make configurable software (see
    • How to run that software (not so duh).
    • As a stretch, how to setup a VM upon which that software can run.
  • If the first two points don't appeal to you, you'll be pretty bored during this talk. Sorry.


  • A lot of things.
  • Not all of the things.

0.1.1 process.runner.extraordinaire

  • Docker's great at running processes.
  • For example, to get the version of bash, you could run:
bash -v
  • Or you could run the same command using Docker:
docker run ubuntu:14.04 bash -v

Docker is a process runner.

0.1.2 ...from.a.starting.point

  • If Docker were just a command runner, that would be an awful lot of overhead.
  • One of Docker's core features is its ability to run a command from a known starting point: An image.
  • What's an image?
    • Just a bunch of files.
    • ...and a bit of metadata.
  • In fact, the ubuntu image is a bunch of files that make up a base Ubuntu Linux installation, plus a few extra facts, like the default PATH.
  • Consider the previous example:
docker run ubuntu:14.04 bash -v
  • Here, ubuntu is the image.
  • When Docker runs bash -v it effectively copies all of the files in the image somewhere, and runs bash -v from that starting point.

Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images.

0.1.3 ...with.isolation

  • Docker is, at its core, a simplified interface to a bunch of features in Linux, called Linux Containers, or LXC.
  • The part of the LXC infrastructure that we exercised just now is actually quite old and pre-dates the container movement on Linux by at least few decades:
  • chroot - Allows you to lock a process to a sub-tree of /.
  • Effectively set / for a process and its children.
  • Docker employs many other features of LXC to provide isolation of the filesystem, as well as other subsystems:
    • Network sockets
    • Users
    • Groups
    • SE-Linux-style rights
    • Logging
  • ...pretty much everything except for the kernel: There's only one kernel.

Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images in isolated zones of execution called containers.


  • Above, I mentioned that Docker sets up containers where processes run.

  • Specifically, the starting point for a container is a copy of a bunch of files that make up an OS.

  • Copying a bunch of files is a slow operation.

  • Docker employs a trick in the form of a special filesystem, a union filesystem to make this instantaneous.

  • A unionfs is a bunch of filesystems, layered.

  • Consider the complicated diagram below.

    • The process on the right is bound to the container. Anything it does is isolated, including file writes.
    • The isolated filesystem in a Docker container is layered.
    • The bottom layer is a reference to an image.
    • New files are simply written to the topmost layer.
    • Modified files are copied to the topmost layer.
    • Modifying a file twice just modifies it again in the top-layer.
    • aka: Copy-on-write.
    • Reads happen by trying the layers from top to bottom.
| container:           |<---------.
|    name: fancy_pansy |          | bound to
|                      |          |
| isolated disk:       |       .--|-------------------------.
|                      |       |                            |
|  .-----------------. |       |  process: /usr/bin/bash    |
|  | new layer   <----<writes>---          ^                |
|  |                 | |       '-----------|----------------'
|  |                 | |                <reads>
|  |            ---------------------------|
|  |    |            | |                   |
|  .----|------------. |                   |
|       |              |                   |
'-------|--------------'                   |
        |                                  |
 <next layer below>                        |
        |                                  |
.-------|--------------.                   |
|  .----|------------. |                   |
|  |    v            | |                   |
|  | image:          | |                <reads>
|  |   ubuntu:14.04  | |                   |
|  |                 | |                   |
|  |            ---------------------------'
|  |  /usr/bin/bash  | |  
|  |  tonnes of files| |  
|  |                 | |  
|  '-----------------' |  
  • Now, let's add another container: Notice that multiple isolated filesystems can point to a single image.
| container:           |<---------.
|    name: fancy_pansy |          | bound to
|                      |          |
| isolated disk:       |       .--|-------------------------.
|                      |       |                            |
|  .-----------------. |       |  process: /usr/bin/bash    |
|  | new layer   <----<writes>---          ^                |
|  |                 | |       '-----------|----------------'
|  |                 | |                <reads>
|  |            ---------------------------|
|  |    |            | |                   |
|  .----|------------. |                   |
|       |              |                   |
'-------|--------------'                   |
        |                                  |
 <next layer below>                        |
        |                                  |
.-------|--------------.                   |
|  .----|------------. |                   |
|  |    v            | |                   |
|  | image:          | |                <reads>
|  |   ubuntu:14.04  | |                   |
|  |                 | |                   |
|  |            ---------------------------'
|  |  /usr/bin/bash  | |  
|  |  tonnes of files| |  
|  |^   ^            | |  
|  '|---|------------' |  
    |   |
    |   |
    | <next layer above>
    |   |
    |	| .----------------------.
    |	| | container:           |<---------.
    |	| |  name: footsy_wootsy |          | bound to
    |	| |                      |          |
    |	| | isolated disk:       |       .--|-------------------------.
    |	| |                      |       |                            |
    |	| |  .-----------------. |       |  process: /usr/bin/bash    |
    |	| |  |             <----<writes>---          ^                |
    |	| |  |                 | |       '-----------|----------------'
    |	| |  | new layer       | |                   |
    |	'--------              | |                <reads>
    |	  |  |                 | |                   |
    |	  |  |            ---------------------------|
    |	  |  |                 | |                   |
    |	  |  '-----------------' |                   |
    |	  |                      |                   |
    |	  '----------------------'                   |
    |                                             <reads>
    |                                                |

Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images in isolated zones of execution called containers. Containers each have an isolated filesystem created by merging an image directory and an empty directory using a union fs.

0.1.5 starting.point.saver

  • Docker will always run commands in an environment that starts from the given image.
$ docker run ubuntu:14.04 touch /tmp/newfile
$ docker run ubuntu:14.04 ls -l /tmp/newfile
ls: cannot access /tmp/newfile: No such file or directory
  • To make a new starting point, run docker commit:
$ docker run ubuntu:14.04 touch /tmp/newfile
$ docker ps -l
b929e7eb9bf5 ...
$ docker commit b929
$ docker run 8993 ls -l /tmp/newfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 15 01:29 /tmp/newfile

Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images in isolated zones of execution called containers. Containers each have an isolated filesystem created by merging an image directory and an empty directory using a union fs. New images can be created by committing containers.

0.1.6 starting.point.builder

  • Creating images in this way is slow and tedious.
  • Docker provides an image builder, docker build.
  • docker build's pretty simple: It reads a file full of directives.
  • Outside of a few exceptions, after each directive, the builder will commit a new image and remove the container that led to it.
  • When all of the directives are done, you got your final image.
# Create a Dockerfile:
cat > Dockerfile <<DOCKERFILE
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN touch /tmp/newfile

# Build the Dockerfile:
docker build -t cttttt/result .

# Run a container from your new image:
docker run cttttt/result ls -l /tmp/newfile

Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images in isolated zones of execution called containers. Containers each have an isolated filesystem created by merging an image directory and an empty directory using a union fs. New images can be created by committing containers. A docker build is an automated sequence of container creations and commits that also results in a new image.

0.1.7 network.isolation

  • Containers have a full set of free ports to listen on.
  • Within a container, only one process can listen on any given port, say 8080.
  • However, a process in another container can simultaneously listen on the same numbered port...they're in different containers.
  • This is handy: For example, we could listen on port 8080 in every container if we want to.
# Create a Dockerfile:
cat > Dockerfile <<DOCKERFILE
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y netcat

# Build the Dockerfile:
docker build -t cttttt/netcat .

# Run a container from your new image:
docker run -d cttttt/netcat nc -l 8080
docker run -d cttttt/netcat nc -l 8080
  • To have Docker tunnel traffic from a port on the host to a port in a container, use -pHOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT.

In one terminal, run:

docker run -ti -p 30303:8080 cttttt/netcat nc -l 8080

And in another, run:

nc localhost 30303

Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images in isolated zones of execution called containers. Containers each have network and filesystem isolation. The isolated filesystem is created by merging an image directory and an empty directory using a union fs. New images can be created by committing containers. A docker build is an automated sequence of container creations and commits that also results in a new image.


  • Above, we set up routing allowing us to connect to a container from the host.
  • Container-to-contain communication is also allowed.
  • A year ago, this was sort of hacky (unidirectional links), but now you can create virtual networks.

To create a network, run docker network:

docker network create demo

Then you can run a server:

docker rm -f ncserver
docker run --network=demo --name=server -t cttttt/netcat nc -l 8080

...and in another terminal, run a client:

docker run --network=demo -ti -p 8080 cttttt/netcat nc server 8080

0.1.9 volumes

  • Everything written by processes in a container goes to the top layer.
  • Almost everything.
  • Volumes are a way to mount another regular filesystem over a part of the container's unionfs filesystem.
  • Volumes survive container death.
  • They're therefore handy to store the persistent data from a database.
  • This regular filesystem could be any directory on the host or a managed filesystem called a named volume.


  • For example, to mount a directory from the host within a container, use -v HOST_DIR:CONTAINER_DIR:
$ docker run -v $PWD/vol:/tmp/vol ubuntu:14.04 bash -xc 'ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile; touch /tmp/vol/newfile'
+ ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile
ls: cannot access /tmp/vol/newfile: No such file or directory
+ touch /tmp/vol/newfile
  • This time, newfile from the previous run gets picked up
$ docker run -v $PWD/vol:/tmp/vol ubuntu:14.04 bash -xc 'ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile; touch /tmp/vol/newfile'
+ ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 15 12:07 /tmp/vol/newfile
+ touch /tmp/vol/newfile
  • Because the volume's on the host, you can treat it like any other directory on the host:
$ find vol

0.1.11 named.volumes

  • To create a named volume, just use the docker volume command:
$ docker volume create --name demo
  • Then mount it in a container:
$ docker run -v demo:/tmp/vol ubuntu:14.04 bash -xc 'ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile; touch /tmp/vol/newfile'
+ ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile
ls: cannot access /tmp/vol/newfile: No such file or directory
+ touch /tmp/vol/newfile
  • This time, newfile from the previous run gets picked up
$ docker run -v demo:/tmp/vol ubuntu:14.04 bash -xc 'ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile; touch /tmp/vol/newfile'
+ ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 15 12:10 /tmp/vol/newfile
+ touch /tmp/vol/newfile
  • Now, inspecting the container is a bit harder: It involves running a container.
$ docker run -v demo:/tmp/vol ubuntu:14.04 ls -l /tmp/vol/newfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 15 12:10 /tmp/vol/newfile

0.1.12 backing.up.volumes

  • Backing up a volume is pretty straightforward.

  • You got two options:

    • Back up the actual filesystem.

    • Use the the application that created the volume data to dump its data.

  • Here's how the first option works:

# Create a tarball in the container, and save it outside.
$ docker run -v demo:/tmp/vol ubuntu:14.04 tar -C /tmp/vol -c . > backup.tar

# Inspect the new backup.
$ tar -tf backup.tar
  • The second option is application specific, but, for example, you could do a live backup of an SQL DB by doing an sql dump and saving the output on the host.

Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images in isolated zones of execution called containers. Containers each have network and filesystem isolation. The isolated filesystem is created by merging an image directory and an empty directory using a union fs. New images can be created by committing containers. A docker build is an automated sequence of container creations and commits that also results in a new image. By default, all writes go to the top layer of the union filesystem, but subtrees can be exempted by mounting a volume over a directory. The backing storage for a volume can be managed by docker or an arbitrary directory on the host.

0.1.13 summary

  • Docker provides a way to run processes from starting points, called images in isolated zones of execution called containers.
  • Containers each have network and filesystem isolation.
  • The isolated filesystem is created by merging an image directory and an empty directory using a union fs.
  • New images can be created by committing containers.
  • A docker build is an automated sequence of container creations and commits that also results in a new image.
  • Docker also allows the creation of virtual networks. Containers bound to a virtual network each have a hostname corresponding to the container name and can communicate freely.
  • By default, all writes go to the top layer of the union filesystem.
  • Subtrees of the filesystem can be exempted from the above default by mounting a volume over any contained directory.
  • The backing storage for a volume can be managed by docker or an arbitrary directory on the host.

1 simple.apps

Let's take a diversion from all this Docker stuff.

Chris: Change branches to "simple.apps"

  • Let's have a look at these three simple apps:
    • Tweet API, an app that produces data: /api/tweet.
    • Tweet UI, an app that consumes that data and renders it as a beautiful webpage: /tweet.html.
    • Tweet Text UI An app that consumes that data and renders it as plain text /tweet.txt.

2.1 running.the.api

To configure the Tweet API:

  • Install node and npm ... somehow.
  • Create a new Twitter app.
  • From the app dashboard, click on the Keys and Access Tokens tab and click on the button to Generate Access Tokens.
  • Run the following commands, taking the values from the app dashboard:
export CONSUMER_KEY=...
export TOKEN=...
export TOKEN_SECRET=...
export PORT=8080

To run it:

cd tweet-api
npm install
node .

To try it out:

curl http://localhost:8080/api/tweet | json_pp

2.2 running.the.tweet.text.ui

To configure the tweet text UI, in a new terminal, run:

export TWEET_API_URL=http://localhost:8080/api/tweet
export PORT=8081

To run it:

cd tweet-text-ui
npm install
node .

To try it out:

curl http://localhost:8081/tweet.txt

2.3 running.the.tweet.ui

To configure, and run the tweet UI, in yet another new terminal, run:

export TWEET_API_URL=http://localhost:8080/api/tweet
export PORT=8082
cd tweet-ui
npm install
node .

To test, browse to http://localhost:8082/tweet.html.

Cool, eh?


Chris: Change branches to "use.docker"

  • Running the apps above was a bit of a task. It required:
    • Reserving ports.
    • Multiple windows.
    • Setting environment variables here (API url) based on values there (port number of the API).
  • But we have Docker.

Chris: Show folks those new Dockerfiles

Chris: Show folks the run script

This script is difficult to maintain: It mixes data and code.

4 describe.the.topology

Chris: Change branches to "describe.the.topology"

  • Remember that script, run?
  • It describes a topology, but with code.
  • Let's pull the data out.

See docker-compose.yml.

  • What if there was a way to harness the information in this file to perform the actions from run?

5 docker.compose

  • With docker-compose, this data file is all you need.
  • To build images:
docker-compose build
  • To start all of the services:
docker-compose up
  • To start services in the background:
docker-compose up -d

6 add.a.load.balancer

Chris: Checkout "add.a.load.balancer"

  • Notes:
    • New container, nginx.
    • See the nginx.conf: Notice domain names.


  • That's really all there is to it.
  • docker-compose makes it a little easier to describe a topology.
  • Armed with this data, docker-compose does all the work!

8 well.dbs

_Chris: Check out well.dbs

  • This part of the talk isn't fully fleshed out, but take a peek at the docker-compose.yml file.
  • Notice a new service, db.
  • Notice a new volume, db_data.
  • Notice that the volume is mounted where the DB stores data, /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb.
  • Now, I didn't have time to incorporate this into our little demo app, but:
    • This is a functional couchdb instance:
# Add a db
curl -XPUT http://localhost:5984/new_db

# Add a document
curl -XPUT http://localhost:5984/new_db/doc1 -d '{ "foo": "bar" }'

# Fetch the document
curl http://localhost:5984/new_db/doc1

# And the data remains across a full shutdown and restart

9 tbd?

  • Incorportate the db/a cache, and make the app stateless.
  • Scaling up services; a few problems.
  • Service discovery: consul.
  • Nginx hacks to force DNS lookups.
  • Scaling up super cool.



Background material for a talk on docker-compose.







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