Each example is a working example to build a Choropleth Of Pennsylvania County Populations. In each subdirectory of the repo is a working example for the selected programming language. To view the R and Python notebooks in the browser see the links below:
Some additional helpful resources for mapping/leaflet are below:
- Leaflet: Contains tutorials and general documentation for leaflet.js
- Folium: Folium is a python package which uses leaflet.js
- IPython Examples: Large collection of IPython Notebook examples using Folium
- Leaflet for R: Leaflet implementation for R. Site has working examples and tutorials
- GeoJSONLint: Tool for checking the validity of your GeoJSON files. Copy/Paste or just upload the file and the tool checks for errors and allows you to view the file applied to a map.
- geojson.io: Interactive tool which applies shape data as you enter it into the editor
- Leaflet Base Maps: Prebuilt base map templates which can be used by leaflet
- Mapbox: Tools for building and designing maps.
- Mapbox.js: leaflet plugin which allows the user to integrate mapbox services and data stored on mapbox.