php5 client for Rserve (a TCP/IP server for R statistical software)
- All classes are declared under Sentiweb\Rserve namespace allowing PSR-4 autoloading
- Parsers are now individualized into classes
- A Parser instance can be directly used as second argument of evalString() to replace default parser (see example)
You can run tests using phpunit
Several tests need to have a running Rserve server (not handled by this library). To configure the test to use a server you have to configure the connection using environment vars or by creating a file in tests/config.php and defining constants (a sample file is available in tests/config.php.sample). Expected vars (in env or as constant in tests/config.php)
: hostname or IP of the Rserve server (e.g. 'localhost' or for local server).RSERVE_PORT
: port number, if value is '0' or 'unix', the HOST is expected to be a unix socket path.RSERVE_USER
: username if the Rserve server is expecting authentication, skip or leave empty if notRSERVE_PASS
: password if the Rserve server is expecting authentication, skip or leave empty if not
is required to be defined (either env or in config.php) to run the connection aware tests, if not these tests will be skipped.
Credential-free tests
launch your credential-free Rserve instance
Can be done with
docker run -d -p 6311:6311 wnagele/rserve
if installed with composer:
composer test
otherwise, run with
Login tests: This test suite require a credential-protected Rserve instance to be running (not provided by this library) and the credentials (username and password to be configured as described above)
Using without composer : include src/autoload.php in your project
Using with composer:
- run
composer require cturbelin/rserve-php:2.0.x-dev
- add
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
to your project
Some usage example are provided in example directory
Usage is the same as the vanilla usage, except for the constructor
$cnx = new \Sentiweb\Rserve\Connection('myserverhost', 6311, ['username'=>username,'password'=>password])
Results provided by R could be handled using several parsers
NativeArray Translates R structure into php simple arrays. It is useful to get simple values from R
Wrapped array Using NativeArray with parameters
in contructor return object with attributes of R objects. The result object can be used as an array and provides methods to access R object attributes -
Debug Translates R response to structure useful for debugging
REXP Translates R response into REXP classes
Several functions allow to use connection in async mode
- getSocket() to get the socket an set some options
- setAsync() allow to set the async mode
- getResults($parser) : get and parse the results after a call to evalString() in async mode