cubbles-webinspector listing cubbles
The new version of the cubbles-webinspector does not include a panel in the Elements tab of the Chrome devtool. Now everything is integrated into the Cubbles panel. It has now 3 tabs, one for list of cubbles, slots info and dep trees; another one for the interface/dtataflow view and the last one for the Root deps trees. The new version includes mainly:
- All cubbles are listed in a similar way as DOM tree in elements tab of chrome inspector (A TreeView using jstree)
- The Code Mirror editor is employed for editing the value of slots of type string, object, and array
- When passing over listed Cubbles, thos are highlighted directly in the inspected page
- A variable called
is available to access the inspected cubble in console - Order slots alphabetically
- Make possible to access current value, initial value or first available value of a slot as a base to edit its new value
- Allow accessing the root dep of each inspected Cubble