Releases: cubbles/cubx.core.rte
Releases · cubbles/cubx.core.rte
RTE 3.0.0 Release
- #35 Make resource injection configurable - The configuration
effects, that RTE inject no resources in html header. - #38 Iframe resizer should use body height to properly resize - The iframe-resizer use instead the height of the embedded component the body height to resize the iframe.
BugFix Release
cubx.core.rte#25: Just log warning, if the connection transport payload, which is not serializable, not change the connection.
BugFix Release
- Fixed: Manifests with modelVersion 8.x cause error, if this contained in initial responseCache config
RTE 2.5.0 Release
Relase notes:
- ACR (Automatic Conflict Resolution) is now possible
- DependencyManagers manifest cached can be prefilled with inline
object using global config to speed up dependency tree creation at runtime by reducing number of ajax calls.
BugFix and minor Improvements
Init Values with HTML tags
- [RTE-103] - RTE: Allow, that init values contains html tags
Please not use it (essential bugs)
2.3.2 RTE-103: Release 2.3.2
Bugfix release
Startevent triggered on dom mutation
- [RTE-53] - PageEditors can configure a startEvent triggered due to a dom-mutation.
- [RTE-27] - RTE/CRC: adjust config options for CRCInit object
- [RTE-87] - mutation-based-start-event: start observation instead of reciving DOMContentLoaded event by appearance of the target element
- [RTE-88] - RTE: Add toJSON() method on DependencyTree
- [RTE-99] - CRC: extend toJSON() method of DependencyTree to inlcude also properties usesExisting and usedBy
- [RTE-73] - CRCLoader: start event should trigger initial processing just first time
- [RTE-77] - CIF: Broking process if component ready before start cif processing
- [RTE-79] - Elementary slot.value ignored if the value is an empty array.([])
- [RTE-80] - IFrame/IFrameResizer: The Iframe resizer not work by the component com.incowia.demo.cubx-polymer-elements-demos@0.3.2/german-states"
- [RTE-89] - DependencyMgr: Resolving Dependencies losts Polymer dependency
- [RTE-91] - DependencyMgr: Urls from local development enviroment can not handle virtual store 'localstore'
- [RTE-95] - CIF: Dynamically adding innerHTML containing tag api tags does not work
- [RTE-98] - By dynamically Instances created multiple cubx-core-connection tags for existing cubbles