The generators provide a scaffolding using Yeoman (a scaffolding tool for the web). It lets you easily create and customize Cubbles (custom) web packages via the command line. This saves you time writing boilerplate code so you can start writing up the logic to your components straight away.
- Scaffolding Cubbles-WebPackages
- Prompting for the most important config-values
- Validation of user input values.
- The Yeoman package. Install it if it is not already on your system:
npm install -g yo
- Install the Yeoman generator for Cubbles-WebPackages:
npm install -g generator-cubbles
- Change into the directory the project folder should be created in.
- Scaffold a new Cubbles-WebPackage:
yo cubbles:project
yo cubbles
: Lists available generators.yo cubbles:project
: Sets up a new Cubbles-Project.
The generated project comes with the Coder-Development-Tools (DevTools).
Some notes on how to deal with this:
- The DevTools are part of your project, so we recommend to include the
-subfolder into your source-control-management. - The DevTools are yours. You are free to modify structure and tasks to your needs.
- The DevTools are managed within a dedicated git-Repository. If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest changes, map the IDE-Git-Repo into your WebPackage-Project using the Git-Subtree-Feature (HowTo: de/en)