1.1.0 - 2022-05-11
1.0.0 - 2022-05-04
- As per #251: renamed History.md to CHANGELOG.md, added contributing message at beginning, and other formatting. (#12 jaysonesmith)
- Remove test files from the gem to prevent false-positive with security scanners as reported in #21
- Drop support for ruby < 2.0 (PR#28)
- Removed
(PR#30 Issue#26)
- Ensure that detecting assetion library doesn't fail if no test framework included. Ruby 2.2 removed minitest from standard library. (@tooky, @jmoody)
- Remove incompatibility with ruby 1.8.7
- Detect best available assertion library for cucumber (@tooky)
- Fix for Rails 4.1, Minitest 5.x (#4 Andy Lindeman)
- First gem release