A minimal version of all curve infrastructure for AMM in one place.
- Stableswap - pools for 2 tokens with similar value (1~1)
- Twocrypto - pools for 2 different tokens
- Tricrypto - pools for USD-pegged coins combined with any coins
- Deposit and Stake Zap - for depositing and staking LPs in one tx
- Meta Zap - for easy exchange between LP and underlying tokens
- Router - router contract for executing complicated trades using different places
- Agent and relayer for governance from mainnet DAO
- Vault for fee receiving from pools
- Reward-only gauge for incentives
- Metaregistry for AMMs
- Address provider that has all address of factories/DAO/tokens:
- 2: "Exchange Router"
- 4: "Fee Distributor"
- 7: "Metaregistry"
- 11: "TricryptoNG Factory"
- 12: "StableswapNG Factory"
- 13: "TwocryptoNG Factory"
- 18: "Spot Rate Provider"
- 19: "CRV Token"
- 20: "Gauge Factory"
- 21: "Ownership Admin"
- 22: "Parameter Admin"
- 23: "Emergency Admin"
- 24: "CurveDAO Vault"
- 25: "crvUSD Token"
- 26: "Deposit and Stake Zap"
- 27: "Stableswap Meta Zap"
Put settings file ("env") into settings directory. Example. It contains RPC url for target chain.
Project requires Python 3.11+
Install dependencies using poetry
pip install poetry==1.8.3
poetry install
Put settings file {chain_name}.yaml into settings/chains directory. Example. It will be used for deployment.
- network_name - chain name
- chain_id - chain id
- rollup_type - can be op_stack, arb_orbit, polygon_cdk, zksync or "_". Zksync rollups currently aren't fully supported
- native_wrapped_token - address of native wrapped token (can be non-eth token)
- dao - params of contracts already present on chain (script will deploy x-gov contracts, CRV and crvUSD should be bridged using native bridges)
Integration parameters
- layer - chain layer (general info)
- native_currency_symbol - symbol of native token
- native_currency_coingecko_id - name of native token in coingecko (for fetching usd prices)
- platform_coingecko_id - coingecko chain name
- public_rpc_url - rpc used in UI (only public)
Make sure you have funds at your account for gas at target chain.
- Export private key to env (don't store it in file!)
export DEPLOYER_EOA_PRIVATE_KEY={your key}
- Run deployment (replace chain_name with name of target chain you want to deploy - make sure you added chain config for this chain in previous step!)
python manage.py deploy all {chain_name}
Upon success, script will generate deployment file with address and other info in deployments directory. File will have the same name as chain. ABI is stored in abi folder. Deployments are reusable, so if something fails, it can be fixed and rerun. NOTE: contracts should be verified separately on explorers like etherscan since it doesn't support Vyper contract verification by API.