Navier Stokes Equation Solver
In order to compile, you need to edit the configure script used to setup the environment. Follow these steps:
- Set the NS_ROOT variable to the directory where the Navier-Stokes project is.
- Make sure you update the environment variables found under 'Environment paths ...' section to reflect the situation on your system, meaning the paths to needed libraries are correctly set.
- While in the project directory, run in a bash shell the following command: "source ./configure" -- this will setup the environment and you're ready to go !
- To effectively compile, run in the same terminal the following command: "ns_build --clean && ns_build --build" -- this will make a clean build.
Note: Steps 1 and 2 are performed only once, when you first setup the environment !
In order to run the binary resulted from compilation, run the following command in the same terminal where you compiled: "./run".