Linux Unreal Build Tool is a work in progress aimed at enhancing the Unreal Engine development experience on Linux, specifically integrated with Neovim. The plugin offers a simple yet powerful set of commands to streamline common tasks:
- Clean: Remove previous build artifacts to ensure a fresh start.
- Build: Compile your project efficiently.
- Rebuild: Clean and build your project in one step.
- Run: Run your Unreal Project file (*.uproject)
- Create New Blank C++ Projects: Quickly set up new C++ projects.
- Install Plugins: Easily manage and install plugins.
All functionalities are accessible via commands in Neovim, making it an ideal tool for developers who prefer a terminal-based workflow.
return {
event = "VeryLazy",
config = function()
project_path = "/home/bob/path/to/project",
unreal_engine_path = "/home/bob/path/to/unrealengine"
- Section ᴎ - Before you begin
- Section I - Build from Source
- Section II - Neovim Integration
- Section III
This guide is designed to be simple and easy to follow. I would recommend reading each section before you execute any commands. If you don't know what a command does, look at the wiki, ask google, ask a friend, or chatgpt. I'm not responsible if you enter a command and it deletes something.
With that out of the way, I'm moving away from IDE's and wanting to develop with neovim. Part of that is creating plugins like this to help make things a bit easier. If you encounter issues or need to install these dependencies on another distribution, or to contribute to the plugin, open an issue:
- Navigate to
- Click on the "Issues" tab.
- Click "New issue".
- Fill in the title and provide any relevant information or questions.
- Click "Submit new issue".
git base-devel clang cmake ispc dotnet-runtime-6.0 neovim bear
sudo pacman -S git base-devel clang cmake ispc dotnet-runtime-6.0
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git build-essential clang cmake ispc dotnet-runtime-6.0
sudo dnf install git @development-tools clang cmake ispc dotnet-runtime-6.0
sudo zypper install git gcc gcc-c++ make automake cmake clang ispc dotnet-runtime-6.0
Building Unreal Engine from Source for Linux. Skip this section if you already have built Unreal Engine from source.
Before you follow Section I instructions, please follow the guide from Epic Games on how to get access to Unreal Engine source code: Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation - How to download source code
1a. check for existing ssh key
ls -al ~/.ssh
1b. if you don't have an ssh key, generate a new ssh key pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
1c. add ssh key to ssh agent
bash or zsh
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
eval (ssh-agent -c)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
1d. add ssh key to github account
copy ssh key to clipboard using xclip
sudo pacman -S xclip
cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -selection clipboard
manually copy the key
cat ~/.ssh/
1e. add ssh keys to github account
- Log in to your GitHub account.
- Go to **Settings**.
- In the left sidebar, click **SSH and GPG keys**.
- Click **New SSH key**.
- Paste your SSH key into the "Key" field.
- Click **Add SSH key**.
1f. verify ssh connection
ssh -T
Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
2a. clone repo from github for Unreal Engine 5.4
cd /path/to/where/you/want/to/install/UnrealEngine
cd /home/echo/Build/
bash or zsh
git clone -b 5.4 && cd UnrealEngine
git clone -b 5.4; and cd UnrealEngine
2b. build unreal engine from source
make -j1
Build error: "Unable to read module manifest"
./Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/ UnrealEditor Linux Development -clean
./Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/ UnrealEditor Linux Development
3a. create blank C++ project
cd /home/$USER/PATH/TO/HERE/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux
Neovim Integration
Command | Description | Arguments |
:LUBT Clean |
Cleans the project | <ProjectName> |
:LUBT Build |
Builds the project | <ProjectName> |
:LUBT Rebuild |
Rebuilds the project | <ProjectName> |
:LUBT Run |
Runs the project | <ProjectName> |
:LUBT CreateProject |
Creates a new project | <ProjectName> |
:LUBT InstallPlugins |
Installs plugins for the project | <ProjectName> |
:LUBT Help |
Shows the help message | None |