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hardseed is a batch seeds and pictures download utiltiy from CaoLiu and AiCheng forum


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hardseed is a batch seeds and pictures download utiltiy from CaoLiu and AiCheng forum. It's easy and simple to use. Usually, you could issue it as follow:

$ hardseed  


$ hardseed --saveas-path ~/downloads --topics-range 8 64 --av-class aicheng_west --timeout-download-picture 32 --hate X-Art --proxy  

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There are twelve av classes:

  • caoliu_west_reposted
  • caoliu_cartoon_reposted
  • caoliu_asia_mosaicked_reposted
  • caoliu_asia_non_mosaicked_reposted
  • caoliu_west_original
  • caoliu_cartoon_original
  • caoliu_asia_mosaicked_original
  • caoliu_asia_non_mosaicked_original
  • aicheng_west
  • aicheng_cartoon
  • aicheng_asia_mosaicked
  • aicheng_asia_non_mosaicked

As the name implies, "caoliu" stands for CaoLiu forum, "aicheng" for AiCheng forum, "reposted" and "original" is clearity, you konw which one is your best lover (yes, only one).
The default is aicheng_asia_mosaicked.

You can set more than one proxy, each proxy could more than one concurrent tasks. This option set the number of concurrent tasks of each proxy.
The max and default number is 16.

Some pictures too big to download in few seconds. So, you should set the download picture timeout seconds.
The default timeout is 32 seconds.

Set the range of to download topics. E.G.:

  • topics-range 2 16
  • topics-range 8 (I.E., --topics-range 1 8)
  • topics-range -1 (I.E., all topics of this av class)

The default topics range is 128.

Set the path to save seeds and pictures. The rule of dir: [avclass][range]@hhmmss. E.G., [aicheng_west][2~32]@124908/. The default directory is home directory.

If you hate some subject topics, you can ignore them by setting this option with keywords in topic title, split by space-char ' ', and case sensitive. E.G., --hate 孕妇 重口味. When --hate keywords list conflict with --like, --hate first.

If you like some subject topics, you can grab them by setting this option with keywords in topic title, split by space-char ' ', and case sensitive. E.G., --like 苍井空 小泽玛利亚. When --like keywords list conflict with --hate, --hate first.

As you know, the government likes blocking adult websites, so, I do suggest you to set --proxy option. Hardseed supports more proxys:

  • GoAgent (STRONGLY recommended), --proxy
  • shadowsocks, --proxy socks5://, or socks5h://
  • SSH, --proxy socks4://
  • VPN (PPTP and openVPN), --proxy ""

It is important that you should know, you can set more proxys at the same time, split by space-char ' '. As the --concurrent-tasks option says, each proxy could more than one concurrent tasks, now, what about more proxys? Yes, yes, the speed of downloading seed and pictures is very very fast. E.G., --concurrent-tasks 8 --proxy socks5:// socks4://, the number of concurrent tasks is 8*3.
If you wanna how to install and configure various kinds of proxy, please access my homepage "3.3 搭梯翻墙"
The default

That's all. Any suggestions let me know by or, big thanks to you. Kiddo, take care of your body. :-)


硬盘女神,你懂嘀!hardseed 是个种子下载工具,它从浓(ai)情(cheng)蜜(she)意(qu)和爱(cao)意(liu)无(she)限(qu)的地方获取女神种子、图片。

你知道,这一切的一切都在墙外,所以你得具备翻墙环境,hardseed 才能正常帮你拉女神。hardseed 支持 GoAgent、shadowsocks、SSH、VPN (PPTP 和 openVPN)等各类代理模式,甚至你可以并行使用多种代理以极速下载。从普及度、稳定性、高效性来看,GoAgent 最优。“我一技术小白,工作压力大,就想看看女神轻松下,你还让我折腾代理?我恨你!”,嘚,亲,我错了。我帮你配置了一份开箱即用的 goagent,位于 hardseed/proxy/goagent/local/,linux 用户,命令行中运行

$ python

windows 亲,双击运行 goagent.exe (管理员权限)。


这基本没 windows 用户什么事儿,除非你有 cygwin,否则你没法编译源码,没事,我服务很到位的,帮你弄好了,二进制执行程序位于 hardseed\bin\windows\hardseed.exe

0)唯一依赖 libcurl,请自行安装;
1)代码采用 C++11 编写,gcc 版本不低于 4.7.1。

$ cd hardseed/build/
$ cmake .
$ make && make install

亲,听好了,运行 hardseed 前务必确保代理程序已正常运行,否则,别说女神,蚊子都碰不到。

先进入 hardseed\bin\windows\,找到并选中 hardseed.exe,右键设置以管理员权限运行该程序,接着键入 ctrl-d 将光标定位到文件管理器的地址栏中,键入 CMD 启动命令行窗口,再在 CMD 中键入

X:\hardseed\bin\windows> hardseed.exe

这时,hardseed 开始玩命儿为你下载女神图片和种子,约 1 分钟左右,在你 home 目录下会生成类似 C:\Users\Administrator\[aicheng_asia_mosaicked][1~128]@014822\ 的目录,女神们在此!

同 windows 下运行一样,全用默认命令行参数运行

$ hardseed

执行完成后,你会看到 /[aicheng_asia_mosaicked][1128]@014822/,你要的都在那儿。或者,玩点高级的

$ hardseed --saveas-path ~/downloads --topics-range 256 --av-class aicheng_west

其中,--saveas-path 指定存放路径为 ~/downloads/;--topics-range 指定解析的帖子范围从第 1 张帖子到第 256 张帖子;--av-class 指定女神类型为欧美。

Q1:为何 windows 版的可执行文件目录 hardseed\bin\windows\ 下有一堆 cyg*.dll 文件?
A1:hardseed 是用 C++ 编写的遵循 SUS(单一 unix 规范)的原生 linux 程序,理论上,在任何 unix-like(linux、BSD、osX) 系统上均可正常运行,唯独不支持 windows,为让 hardseed 具备跨平台能力,须借由某种工具(或环境)将 hardseed 转换成 windows 下的执行程序。cygwin 就是这种环境,我把 hardseed 源码纳入 cygwin 环境中重新编译,即可生成 windows 下的可执行程序 hardseed.exe,在这个过程中,cygwin 会加入些自己的代码和中转库到 hardseed.exe 中,cyg*.dll 就是各类中转库。

Q2:为何运行 windows 版的执行程序总有如下警告:Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/xxxx, CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning. Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths ...,影响正常运行么?
A2:linux 与 windows 有很多基础设施的差异,路径表示方式就算其一,如,前者是 /this/is/linux/path/,后者 C:\this\is\windows\path\,A1 中提过 hardseed 是 linux 下的原生程序,代码中全采用的 linux 路径规则,运行 hardseed.exe 时, cygwin 自动进行路径规则转换,所以出现本问题中的警告信息以告知用户路径可能有变化。这完全不影响 hardseed.exe 正常运行。如果厌恶这些提示,可以在环境变量中增加 CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning (win7 用户:computer - properties - advanced system settings - advanced - environment variables - new,variable name 填入 CYGWIN,variable value 中填入 nodosfilewarning,保存即可)。

Q3:运行 hardseed 后啥都没下载呢?还提示 There is no topic which you like?
a)未成功翻墙。请自行参阅你的翻墙工具帮助文档,修正即可。windows 用户注意检查是否以管理员权限运行翻墙工具
b)网页翻墙已成功但仍无法下载。请检查你的代理工具是否成功接收 hardseed 的代理请求(如,goagent 窗口中可查看),windows 用户注意检查是否以管理员权限运行 hardseed.exe
c)hardseed 翻墙已成功但仍无法下载。你指定了 --like xxxx 命令行选项,hardseed 将查找标题中是否含有关键字 xxxx,若没有则忽略相关帖子。更换其他关键字。




hardseed is a batch seeds and pictures download utiltiy from CaoLiu and AiCheng forum







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