cmdset is a remote command manager.
ngxfmd: nginx file manager server.
ngxfmd description: configuration example: [ngxfmd] error_log = true access_log=true fastcgi_listen_addr = ":11000" http_listen_addr = ":11001"
[files] store_path = "/data/store" upload_type = 2 request_pool_size = 1000
[sandbox] lua_filename = "/root/myopensrc/ornet/anyd/src/service/sandbox/examples/test.lua"
ngxfmd default support fastcgi and http interfaces, so fastcgi_listen_addr and http_listen_addr should be configured;
files module used to download and upload files, store_path speicify upload store path, and upload_type means upload type, 1 means upload directly, 2 means use multi-part form way, request_pool_size means the max concurrent http request at the same time.
sandbox module is used to support lua module to process http request, reference the blog:http://my.oschina.net/shawnChen/blog/380061
more questions? , please mail to cxwshawn@yeah.net;