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Release Action

PR-based Github Action for releasing Node.js projects.

⚠️ This project is still in experimental phase, it is subject to breaking changes and therefore not suitable for production.

Issues can be tracked here, don't hesitate to upvote issues you want to be treated. If you have any question, remark, suggestion, ... They are most welcome in the discussions!


It can be quite a hassle to find a proper release process that meet simple but specific and multiple demands, such as:

  • To bump automatically the version based on changes type (patch, minor, major);
  • To only modify package.json;
  • To be able to ignore a specific change;
  • To handle releases through a release PR;
  • To create a GitHub release;
  • To be able to override the version;
  • To release as pre-release (both the version number and the GitHub release);
  • Etc...

Some tools get close but not enough. That's exactly why Release Action exists: it is a simple automation tool for releasing Node.js projects on GitHub based on pull requests and labels. You can easily integrate it into your workflow as it only creates a GitHub release when a specific PR is merged. It works in two phases:

  1. Prepare: Gets all merged PRs since last release, determines the next version based on labels (major, minor, patch) unless overriden (see inputs) and creates (or updates) a pull request including the bumped version in package.json file;
  2. Release (actually runs first): Once the release PR merged, a release is made on GitHub, that's it!
  participant D as Developments
  participant P as Production Branch
  participant R as Release PR

  D ->> P: Merge PR #35;1 (fix)
  P -->> R: Open PR #35;2 (automatic)
  Note over P,R: Release v1.0.1
  D ->> P: Merge PR #35;3 (feature)
  P -->> R: Update PR #35;2 (automatic)
  Note over P,R: Release v1.1.0
  R ->> P: Merge
  Note over P: Release v1.1.0

Below is the prepare process when new changes are detected:

flowchart LR
  N1{PR exists?} -- Yes --> N2{New version?}
  N2 -- Yes --> C[Commit]
  N2 -- No --> PR
  C --> PR[PR]
  N1 -- No --> N3{Branch exists?}
  N3 -- Yes --> C
  N3 -- No --> B[Branch]
  B --> C

When it should be used

It should be used if:

  • Commits are systematically pushed to the main/production branch through pull requests;
  • Labels are used in PRs to classify the type (patch, minor, major);
  • The release commit is just about updating the package.json file.

When it should not be used

It should not be used if:

  • Commits are pushed directly to the main/production branch;
  • The release commit must include more than updating the package.json file, such as a changelog (the changelog is generated in the PR body and GitHub release).


Release Action is designed to be ran every time there is a change on the main/production branch. Here is a recommended workflow setting:

name: Release

      - main
        type: string
        description: Force the release version
        type: choice
        default: ""
        description: Pre-release
          - ""
          - alpha
          - beta
          - rc

  contents: write
  pull-requests: write


    name: Release
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Execute action
        id: action
        uses: cyberspace7/release-action@v0.1.0
          release-as: ${{ inputs.release-as }}
          pre-release: ${{ inputs.pre-release }}

⚠️ Use a manual version (v0.1.0 in the example) until a v1 becomes available. Remember that this version is not production ready.

💡 Tip: Use the is-released output (see outputs) to execute another job to deploy the fresh release (i.e. create a package, deploy a Docker container, etc.).

When opening a PR on the main/production branch, use one (or more) of the following labels in order to bump the version to the right level. Labels and branches can be customised through inputs.

  • type: fix: Bump the patch part of the version.
  • type: feature: Bump the minor part of the version.
  • breaking: Bump the major part of the version, or minor if current version is under 1.0.
  • changelog-ignore: Dont bump whatever other labels are. It should be excluded from the release notes generation (see bellow).

That's it, when merged, you should find an open release PR. You just have to merge it when you wish to release, voilà!

Changes are found comparing GitHub generated release notes, therefore it's advised to have a .github/release.yml file excluding release PR labels and the ignore label so that they don't appear as changes:

      - "changelog-ignore"
      - "release: ready"
      - "release: done"

Something's missing? Check if it's planned in issues, upvote it, or share your thoughts in the discussions. Don't hesite also to share your experience.


This action requires the following permissions in order to work:

  contents: write
  pull-requests: write


Name Description Default Value
release-as Force a specific version.
pre-release Name of the pre-release version (alpha, beta, rc...). If not empty, will trigger a pre-release.
label-ignore Label for pull requests to be ignored for the release bump. It should be added to changelog excluded labels (see #usage). changelog-ignore
label-patch Label for pull requests to bump a patch version. type: fix
label-minor Label for pull requests to bump a minor version. type: feature
label-major Label for pull requests to bump a major version. breaking
label-ready Label automatically used by Release Action for release PRs. release: ready
label-done Label automatically used by Release Action for release PRs that have been processed (current version released). release: done
branch-production Branch used for production, the base for all PRs going to production. main
branch-release Branch used for release PRs. releases/next


Name Type Description
current-version string Version of the current code.
next-version string Version of the next release.
release-pr number Number of the opened release pull request.
is-released boolean Current version has been released.



Environment variables

Name Description
GITHUB_TOKEN Authentification token used for GitHub API.


See package.json for the list of available scripts.


This project require the following dependencies:


Install the dependencies:

pnpm install


Source files are are compiled into a single file with all dependencies, into dist. The dist directory must be commited into the repository.

pnpm build


Releases are automatic, following the merge of the release pull request (see Release Action). A release PR can be explicitely generated by running manually this workflow.



Submit a feature request or any idea to improve the project, as it is greatly appreciated, in the discussions.

If you find a bug concerning this project, please fill a bug report. If it concerns a security vulnerability, please email us at

For contributing, please check the guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.