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A library to parse MIME headers and bodies into SXML. Ported from Chibi Scheme.


base64 quoted-printable string






(cyclone base64)

[procedure] (assq-ref ls key . 0)

Returns the cdr of the cell in ls whose car is eq? to key, or default if not found. Useful for retrieving values associated with MIME headers.

[procedure] (mime-header-fold kons knil [source [limit [kons-from]]])

Performs a fold operation on the MIME headers of source which can be either a string or port, and defaults to current-input-port. kons is called on the three values:

(kons header value accumulator)

where accumulator begins with knil. Neither the header nor the value are modified, except wrapped lines are handled for the value.

The optional procedure kons-from is a procedure to be called when the first line of the headers is an "From

" line, to enable this procedure to be used as-is on mbox files and the like. It defaults to kons, and if such a line is found the fold will begin with (kons-from '%from <address> (kons-from '%date <date> knil)).

The optional limit gives a limit on the number of headers to read.

[procedure] (mime-headers->list [source])

Return an alist of the MIME headers from source with headers all downcased.

[procedure] (mime-parse-content-type str)

Parses str as a Content-Type style-value returning the list (type (attr . val) ...).

[procedure] (mime-decode-header str)

Replace all occurrences of RFC1522 escapes in str with the appropriate decoded and charset converted value.

[procedure] (mime-message-fold src kons knil [down up headers])

Performs a tree fold operation on the given string or port src as a MIME body corresponding to the headers give in headers. If headers are false or not provided they are first read from src.

kons is called on the successive values:

(kons parent-headers part-headers part-body accumulator)

where part-headers are the headers for the given MIME part (the original headers for single-part MIME), part-body is the appropriately decoded and charset-converted body of the message, and the accumulator begins with knil.

If a multipart body is found, then a tree fold is performed, calling down once to get a new accumulator to pass to kons, and up on the result when returning. Their signatures are:

(down headers seed)
(up headers parent-seed seed)

The default down simply returns null, and the default up wraps the seed in the following sxml:

((mime (@ headers ...) seed ...) parent-seed ...)

[procedure] (mime-message->sxml [src [headers]])

Parse the given source as a MIME message and return the result as an SXML object of the form:

(mime (@ (header . value) ...) parts ...)

[procedure] (mime-write-headers headers out)

Write out an alist of headers in mime format.


(import (scheme base) (cyclone mime) (cyclone string) (cyclone test))
(test-group "mime"

      (test '(text/html (charset . "UTF-8") (filename . "index.html"))
           "text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8; filename=index.html"))

      (test '(multipart/form-data (boundary . "AaB03x"))
          (mime-parse-content-type "multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x"))

      (test '(mime (@ (from . "\"Dr. Watson <guest@grimpen.moor>\"")
                      (to . "\"Sherlock Homes <not-really@221B-baker.street>\"")
                      (subject . "\"First Report\"")
                      (content-type . "text/plain; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\""))
                   "Moor is gloomy. Heard strange noise, attached.\n")
              "From:    \"Dr. Watson <guest@grimpen.moor>\"
To:      \"Sherlock Homes <not-really@221B-baker.street>\"
Subject: \"First Report\"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"

Moor is gloomy. Heard strange noise, attached.


      ;; from rfc 1867

      (test '(mime
              (@ (content-type . "multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x"))
              (mime (@ (content-disposition . "form-data; name=\"field1\""))
                    "Joe Blow")
              (mime (@ (content-disposition
                        . "form-data; name=\"pics\"; filename=\"file1.txt\"")
                       (content-type . "text/plain"))
                    " ... contents of file1.txt ..."))
              "Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name=\"field1\"

Joe Blow
content-disposition: form-data; name=\"pics\"; filename=\"file1.txt\"
Content-Type: text/plain

 ... contents of file1.txt ...

      (test '(mime
              (@ (content-type . "multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x"))
              (mime (@ (content-disposition . "form-data; name=\"field1\""))
                    "Joe Blow")
              (mime (@ (content-disposition . "form-data; name=\"pics\"")
                       (content-type . "multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04y"))
                    (mime (@ (content-disposition
                              . "attachment; filename=\"file1.txt\"")
                             (content-type . "text/plain"))
                          "... contents of file1.txt ...")
                    (mime (@ (content-disposition
                              . "attachment; filename=\"file2.gif\"")
                             (content-type . "image/gif")
                             (content-transfer-encoding . "binary"))
                          #u8(32 32 46 46 46 99 111 110 116 101 110
                                 116 115 32 111 102 32 102 105 108 101
                                 50 46 103 105 102 46 46 46))))
              "Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name=\"field1\"

Joe Blow
content-disposition: form-data; name=\"pics\"
Content-type: multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04y

Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"file1.txt\"
Content-Type: text/plain

... contents of file1.txt ...
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"file2.gif\"
Content-type: image/gif
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

  ...contents of file2.gif...

      (test '(mime
              (@ (content-type . "multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x"))
              (mime (@ (content-disposition . "form-data; name=\"field1\"")
                       (content-type . "text/plain"))
                    "Joe Blow")
              (mime (@ (content-disposition . "form-data; name=\"pics\"")
                       (content-type . "multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04y"))
                    (mime (@ (content-disposition
                              . "attachment; filename=\"file1.txt\"")
                             (content-type . "text/plain"))
                          "... contents of file1.txt ...")
                    (mime (@ (content-disposition
                              . "attachment; filename=\"file2.gif\"")
                             (content-type . "image/gif")
                             (content-transfer-encoding . "binary"))
                          #u8(32 32 46 46 46 99 111 110 116 101 110
                                 116 115 32 111 102 32 102 105 108 101
                                 50 46 103 105 102 46 46 46))))
             "Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name=\"field1\"
Content-Type: text/plain

Joe Blow
content-disposition: form-data; name=\"pics\"
Content-type: multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04y

Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"file1.txt\"
Content-Type: text/plain

... contents of file1.txt ...
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"file2.gif\"
Content-type: image/gif
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

  ...contents of file2.gif...



Alex Shinn


Justin Ethier








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