A simple directory and file watcher that was made using PHP.
composer require cydrickn/php-watcher
To use this package you just need to initialize the watcher and call the tick function
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
$watcher = new \Cydrickn\PHPWatcher\Watcher(
[__DIR__ . '/vendor/'],
function (array $changes) {
echo json_encode($changes) . PHP_EOL;
\Cydrickn\PHPWatcher\Watcher::__construct - Creates the instance representing the watcher
public \Cydrickn\PHPWatcher\Watcher::__construct(
array $watchFor,
array $excludes,
callable $handler,
int $interval = 1000
List of files and folder that will watch by the watcher.
For folders this will include its sub-folders.
List of files and folder that will be excluded in watching.
For folders this will include its sub-folders.
A function that will be called once their are changes
This is delay for how long it will wait before it will do checking of the files / folders. Default to 1000 milliseconds.
\Cydrickn\PHPWatcher\Watcher::checkChanges - Check the changes
public \Cydrickn\PHPWatcher\Watcher::checkChanges(): void
\Cydrickn\PHPWatcher\Watcher::tick - Start the watching of files
public \Cydrickn\PHPWatcher\Watcher::tick(
?callable $handler = null
): void
A callable use for watching the file, this is default to null.
Once the handler is null, it will use the default handler.
There are two default handler.
- Swoole\Timer - Will be only use when swoole is enabled in your server
- The do while - If the swoole is not enabled
Once you pass your own handler, this will pass two argument
- The first argument would be the checkChanges function
- The second is the interval